Chapter #8

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Mia, Ally, and Anastasia walked down the streets of Hogsmeade, looking for a clothing shop to buy dresses.

“So Jadon asked you to the ball?” Mia asked Anastasia, stopping in front of the clothing shop there was. Anastasia nodded, “Yeah. And Dylan asked you out!”

“You pushed me!”

“But we got the job done, right Ally?” Anastasia asked, taking her jean jacket off as they entered the store.

Ally nodded and they immediately started looking for dresses.

Mia took a dress and went in the changing room. After she had changed into the dress, she came out to show it to Anastasia and Ally.

“It's so pretty!” Ally exclaimed.

Mia’s dress was a deep cobalt blue strapless dress, with fake diamonds spaced out all the way down.

Mia spun around and the dress twirled around her.

Ally clapped her hands together. “It's perfect, Mia!”

Mia smiled, “OK, I’ll get this one!”

After that was Ally’s turn to pick out a dress.

Ally went in and when she came out, she was wearing a light blue in layers all the way down and had a gray waist belt with fake diamonds embroidered onto it.

“I really like this one.” Ally said as she twirled in her ball gown, and smiled.

“I'm gonna get it.”

After that, Anastasia came out with a pistachio green dress.

The top half was silver lace, and the bottom half was pistachio green mesh in layers. It did go with her eyes.

“So, what do you think?” she asked Mia and Ally.

She also did a little twirl and the dress lit up. Well, not literally lit up.

“Jadon will love it!” Mia squealed. The trio bought the dresses, and waltzed out of the store, happy with what they bought.

It had turned night by the time they walked out, so they decided to go to ‘The Three Broomsticks’.

They had always hung out there in their 3rd year when they had free time, or just wanted to talk.

Anastasia was the first one to walk into the pub, Ally and Mia following behind her.

The smell of butterbeer and old fashioned polished wood hit their faces as they walked in, the bell ringing as the door closed.

“Anastasia! Mia! Ally! How good to see you girls!”

Madam Rosmerta greeted them with her usual smile, seating them in a cushioned seat in the corner.

Mia sat in the middle, with Ally and Anastasia on either side of her.

“Anything to drink my dears?” she asked, taking out her notepad.

“Um,” Mia looked at Ally and Anastasia. They nodded.

“The usual, three butterbeers.” Mia told her. Madam Rosmerta wrote something down on her notepad and closed it, turning to them.

“Ok, be right up!”

Anastasia folded her arms and plopped down onto the table.

Mia looked around the pub. It was pretty empty for a Saturday night, there was usually a lot more people. Ally sighed.

“You guys nervous?” Ally asked. Mia nodded, and Anastasia propped her head up, “Yeah, I guess.”

Ally nodded. “I mean, you and me,” she said towards Anastasia, “We dont really know our dates to the Ball that well. We only know Jadon because he’s in out house, but Louis, I don’t really know him.”

Mia smiled, “He seems nice, you guys would make a good couple.” Ally blushed and looked down at the table. “Would not.” she murmured a little more quietly.

Mia laughed.

“You and Dylan would make a fantastic couple.” Anastasia smirked. Mia scowled at Anastasia, turning red.

They heard loud heels approaching their table.

“Three butterbeers!” Madam Rosmerta called out happily as she set them down in front of them.

They said thanks and payed.

After minutes of silence, and butterbeer, they finally got back into conversation.

“What time are we supposed to meet down in front of the great hall at?” Anastasia asked.

Mia cleared her throat and set her butterbeer down.

“I think at 4:00 PM.” Ally said.

Mia and Anastasia nodded. Tomorrow was the big they everyone awaited.

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