“You're not going to attack me hot pants.” Cheza giggled.

Natsu stood there, stone still. His fists were shaking and sweat was dripping down his forehead. His eyes were glassy and his cheeks the same shade of red as a tomato. His bottom lip quivered.

“No! How could I ever attack someone so…..beautiful!!” He stammered.

“Natsu!!! What?? Ew!!” Ember choked.

“My kind of man. Now why don’t you come over here to mama.” Cheza said and beckoned Natsu to her with a seductive wave of her finger.

Natsu nodded, a goofy smile appearing on his face. He walked towards her, his knees wobbling. He might as well have been drooling. Ember was utterly confused. This was not how she had imagined Natsu to ever act. She had never heard anything of this sort about him in battle. He got closer and closer to Cheza, Ember not knowing what to do. When he got right in front of her she reached her hands out and grabbed him into a hug, burying his face in between her two large breasts. He got a nosebleed. Ember gritted her teeth in frustration. And then all of a sudden Natsu was flying through the air past her and slamming into the ground, a cloud of dust and rock rising into the air. He laid there face down, his face still goofy.

“Idiot!” Cheza laughed uncontrollably.

Then it clicked. Ember understood it now. She was using charm magic on him. A rare and not very often used magic, in fact she was pretty sure it was banned a long time ago. This manipulation made her even angrier. In her mind dirty tricks like that were cheating. She gripped her scythe with both hands and started running towards Cheza. Her charm magic wouldn’t work on her, she wasn’t interested in big breasts. Ember let out a yell as she got ready to swing her scythe down onto Cheza.

“Death Scythe Hound’s Tooth attack!!”

The ground burst to pieces in jagged edges. Dust clouds filled the air. Ember coughed and caught her breath. She didn’t see Cheza.

“Oops. You missed.”

Ember turned around to see Cheza right behind her. She went to raise her scythe again but Cheza used the same attack she had on Natsu and forced Ember flying backwards through the air. She hit the side of the house and slid to the ground in pain. She looked over at Natsu and he hadn’t moved.

“Natsu….NATSU!! YOU ARE CHARMED!! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS REALIZE IT AND THE CHARM WILL BE BROKEN!!” Ember yelled at the top of her lungs. She let out a small cry as pain shot through her ribs.

Natsu moved. He shook his head and turned towards her. His eyes burned with anger. His entire body shaking with his power. He stood up, but he was still a little shaky from the charm spell. Ember knew what to do. She gripped her scythe with both hands and closed her eyes. “HELL FIRE!!!” The entire scythe erupted in orange and gold flames, black smoke rising in furls into the air around her. She opened her eyes and looked over at Natsu, raising the scythe and swinging it in his direction.


The flame attack flew through the air in Natsu’s direction. His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell opened. Cheza began to laugh, thinking how foolish it was for Ember to attack her own teammate. But her laughter cut off when she noticed that Natsu was eating the flames, his stomach extending as he gulped them down.

“Wh….what the hell?” Cheza gasped.

Natsu smirked and wiped his mouth with his fist. He stood up straight and shot Ember a thankful glance.

“That fire was delicious. Now I’m all fired up!”

Cheza had no idea what to think or even what to do. And before she could react, Natsu was coming down on top of her with a flaming dragon iron fist attack. The ground shook and exploded around them. Ember shielded her face from the debri. When the dust settled she opened her eyes to survey the damage. Natsu was standing over a knocked out Cheza, looking over at Ember. He nodded, and Ember closed her eyes to rest.

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