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Her eyes were amazing. They kept drawing me in and I had too keep looking away before I start drooling. I don't know why, but her eyes are endless, two broken colors that lead you to a safe, warm place where nothing exists but joy. I haven't actually been happy in a long time. Yani was staring at Luna's eyes like they were her favorite cartoon, and she said, "You have pretty eyes. What made the cuts?" Luna stiffened and put the glasses back on. "I don't...I don't want...It's not your...something happened, okay? Something happened, and I don't want to go into detail." Yani could obviously not see the fact that she didn't want to talk. Or hear. And she asked, "Pleeeeeeeeaaaaase tell me?" Luna shook her head and looked in Yana's general direction. But not completely at her, more at the wall. "No. I'm sorry, but no." I saw Yani's face contort, and just before she threw another fit I tackled her and covered her mouth.

She squirmed but I held her tight and put her in my lap and whispered very quietly in her ear, "Shut up, Yani. Do not scream, or I will--OW!" I leapt up and held my butt. It felt like fire, and I said, "Yani, what did you do to my pants?!"

"I didn't do anything. But there were ants earlier. They were red, I don't like red things. Except your hair, it's pretty Luna."

Fire ants. In my pants. Great, I have ants in my pants. Yani failed to tell me they were there. My butt hurt and I asked, "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

"Why? I am clueless as too what your problem is. Almost."

"I have ants in my pants. Fire ants."

"Why would I know where the bathroom is?"

Right. I said some fowl language and hoped Yani wouldn't repeat it to her mom, or I'll be in deep doodoo. Yani just laughed as I danced around the room, her evil little black haired self. She looked more Indian--from India--than everyone else. From Raniyah's ex, most likely. But her eyes were like grand mama's, green. And she had them grinning with her mouth as I ran out the house to my own. I dashed into the bathroom as I heard Vicki say, "I thought you were two doors down!"

I called through the closed door, "I have ants in my pants!"

"Then run around the neighborhood!"

"No, I literally have fire ants in my pants! Yani put them there!"

"Oh well!"

I rolled my eyes and realized I needed a new pair of pants. I went to my room, grabbed a pair, went back and did what I needed to do. I hope the bites aren't that bad. I flushed the ants down the toilet and hoped they didn't make it to Heaven.

I went back, my butt hurting like fire. Yani would regret this. I'd find those worms and put the in her bed, see how she reacts. Hope she gets an infection and is sent to the hospital to get it treated. I opened the door I had left open, and apparently Yani has made a new best friend and wrapped another person around her tiny, chubby, sticky fingers.

"And now tell me why his name is Bra?"

"Because it's an abbreviation of his name, duh." Yes, Yani made nicknames for everyone, and they stuck. I had thought I had escaped, but now I will forever be Bra. The chess game was abandoned, but it wasn't getting anywhere anyway. I put it up as Yani told all of my personal business. This girl had some serious leverage against me if we got in a fight, which I would hate. And doubt, I think Luna hasn't upset a single person in her life. It just isn't her, at least the her I know. Why do I keep thinking about her? I thought I didn't care. I shouldn't care.

Is she going to go to school next school year, or is she home schooled?

Yes, I hate me now. Bad me, dumb me. Stop thinking about girls. Stop caring. Since when have you cared? Now, that's when. Why? Because, me, I do. Why do you have to care? oh, great, now I'm arguing with myself. One step closer the insane asylum. Then I'll be picking daisies and talking to them, and I would be there. My ear caught on a conversation I did not want to start.

"And Bra doesn't have a mommy or daddy because they were killed. But I have a mommy! I feel sorry for him, he--"

"And that's enough with the stories, Yani."

"But Bra--"

"Yani, stop talking about my personal business."

"But it's my business to."

"No, it's not."

"He's like this because he doesn't have a daddy to tell him what not to do, mommy said so."

"And you don't have a daddy to tell you when to close your mouth!"

"Yes, I do. He's still around, and I'll see--"

"No, you won't! Your dad hates you! He doesn't want to, didn't want you! he left your mommy, scared and alone for another dumb girl. You will never see your daddy!"

Oops. Blew my temper. She needed that, though. Her eyes went pink and her tiny fists clenched. her lip quivered and she said running out of the house, "I'm telling mommy!"

"Fine! I don't care what she does anyway!" I yelled back to no one. I breathed heavy with my fists clenched. I hope she gets ran over. I hope she gets hurt. I hope her evil soul would just die. Go away. Leave me alone. I heard a calm, sad voice ask, "Brandon? Why did you do that?"

I threw my hand in the direction of the door as if she could see and I said, "She can't close her mouth! She just talks and talks, endless noise! And she talks about other people, and goes on and on--"

"Because she really doesn't know how to close her mouth. She needs someone to teach her, and I don't think her great-grandparents can do that. I bet you didn't know she loved you as an uncle. I bet you didn't know she looked up to you. You are the only fatherly figure left in that house, but--I'm sorry--but you don't have the guts or kindness enough to act it!"

I froze. That was like a punch in the face from the inside. A surprise and a shock. That's...okay. Okay then. She continued, "Go out there, or go home or whatever, please. Find her and tell her you were sorry."

I hesitated, and when it left my mouth I knew it wasn't true, "What if I'm not?" she smiled calmly and sweetly saying, "I know you are." How? How? How does she know these things? But she was right. I was sorry. Very sorry.

"Okay. I will."

"Come back once you have."

I left he alone, knowing her mother wouldn't come until five, three-ish hours from now.

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