Take it Slow

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   A/N so I know I'm a really bad person but here we are, ha.. ha... no?

Roman was the most popular side. Why wouldn't he be? He was the pure heart of creativity, romance and of course Disney. He allowed Thomas to dream big and reach for the stars, often fantasising over certain scenes himself. He was the embodiment of their hosts hopes and dreams- of curse he was to be loved by all, right?

Logan was all of their logical thinking. He was smart and pretty much a walking and talking dictionary. He liked solving problems and always jumped to the chance to create the conclusion of whatever was bothering Thomas at the time. But this time- there was nothing he could do and he hated it.

Patton represented Thomas' morality. He just wanted the others to be happy and to pet puppies obviously. Needless to say he was proud of his sons, always watching out for them, giving them continuous praise, and a shoulder to lean on. He was their farther the figure- the closet to a parent the sides could get and he did well at it. He knew the others as if they were his own kids so when they started acting differently he knew something was going on. Something they were keeping from him.

Right now he was sat with Princey on the couch watching one of his Disney movies. He loved spending time with his Princely son but today he was restless. He watched with unsettling eyes at Roman who sat before the TV speaking to Aladdin about how to make Jasmin fall in love with hm. Normally Patton would have laughed at this but he was too busy musing over how to get the answers that he wanted.

Sighing he got up from his spot and walked to the kitchen doorway, watching Logan with a cautious gaze. Prince looked up, worried, for just a second before smirking and looking back to his film. Morality looked about, twisting his hands ad biting his lip, wanting desperately for words to come to him. He watched for a while as his son moved about the kitchen making lunch for them all.

"What's going on Logan?" he asked sighing The Logical side jumped a little having not noticed his presence until just now.

"Would you like to elaborate on that Patton? There are many things your question could be referring to such as the fact that I am creating lunch right now," he said in his monotone voice.

"You and Roman have been acting really... Weird lately," he whined, "You're not hiding something from me are you?" At this Logan looked to the floor, refusing to meet the others eyes.

"Oh," the dad like character stated feeling slightly hurt.

"Why don't you just tell him Logan," a voice calls from the other room, "oh right yeah, that's my job. Hey Patton. We're getting a new side,"

"Roman" Logan growled accusingly. The other boy just smiled slightly before returning to Aladdin leaving Logic to look after a much exited Patton.


Anxiety felt different. Stronger. As if he could take on the world. He walked with pride down the halls that night, uncaring about the looks he got, he was invincible. He was looking for his friend, knowing that he had to be somewhere. Just as he was about to turn another corner of the maze-like corridors he bumped into an unlikely figure.

"M-master" he stuttered. Normally he wasn't seen around unless someone was in trouble so understandably he was afraid. But the strangest thing was when he smiled, actually smiled and walked away with just a curt nod.

Still stunned by the encounter Virgil wandered obliviously along the familiar routes to his favourite place. He often came to hang here when he needed time alone, only his best friend ne of it and would sometimes join him here. Seeing as said friend was nowhere else Vigil figured he must be there waiting for him already.

As it turned out his hunch was correct and his mate was hanging in the tree that stood there awaiting his arrival. At the sound of his footsteps he leapt down from the branch he had been lounging on and walked up to greet is friend.

"He Virge," he welcomed sounding slightly rushed "Look we don't have much time but you have to be careful. Don't trust anyone but remember that I am always there for you no matter what" and with that Anxiety started to feel a tugging sensation as he began to sink down.


Anxiety appeared in an unfamiliar room. At first he was frozen in sock panic and awe. Then he noted the man that stood in the middle of the room. Gulping back a yelp fear and surprise he cleared his throat.

"Oh hey," the man turned, "You must be the new side. The others have told me to expect you and I hope we can become good friends in the long run."

"Look. Great as it is to make your acquaintance I must ask, what the hell is going on here?" though he sounded as if he had already made his place here Virgil was secretly twisting the sleeves of his hoodie tying to stifle the rising wave of anxiety that crept up on him.

"Umm. I'm not really the best one for explaining that. You'd really have to ask Logan. Logic that is. Oh yeah, you should really be going to meet the others, oh and I'm Thomas by the way but I suppose you already knew that being part of me and all." Thomas went on to say.

Virgil nodded slowly, realising that this must be his host how dumb of you to overlook that he sighed inwardly before returning to the mindscape with a brief nod towards his host.


As Virgil approached the door he began to hear voices coming from the other side.

"He can't be that bad Logan, maybe you should just give him a chance" came a cheerful sounding voice.

"You don't understand Pat, he's from that side" came another strong voice that demanded respect.

"You haven't even met him yet Roman" the other voice retorted.

"I have to side with Prince here, how can we trust anything that comes from there?" was a third new voice.

Virgil had had enough of listening to another's conversation so bracing himself for the worst he knocked on the door. Behind it all fell silent then there was a shuffling of feet as someone moved to let him in. There were multiple inaudible hisses as the people behind broke into another miniature argument the door opened and a face appeared.

The side stood there with open arms, a grey cardigan hung loosely over his shoulders and behind black rimmed glasses his honey coloured eyes shone. He wore a wide glin plastered across his almost glowing face as he called out

"Hey there kiddo! Welcome to the Family!"

Taken off guard by the cheery outburst Virgil instantly took a step back eyeing the side incredulously. Take it slow my fellow side his mind was screaming.

"Sorry kid I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Patton but you can call me dad!" Still eyeing him suspiciously I give him a small smile and extend my hand for him to shake. At this another of the sides darts forwards. Wearing a polo shirt and tie he glares at me through thick rimmed glasses and grabs Patton's shoulder pulling him away from me.

"Don't go near that guy," he tells him then turns and points at me "And you! You better stay away for him or you'll have me to speak to." Slowly I back away, scared of what this man might do to protect s 'friends'.

"Logan. Be nice. You're scaring him," Patton scolds, "Easy kiddo, why don't I show you to your room?"

Refusing to look away from Logan I hesitantly nod. From the corner of my eye I see Patton grin even wider as he reaches to grab my hand. Panic kicking in I tar my hand away and step a little further away self-consciously rubbing the many bruises on my arms. Patton frowns a little but it doesn't last long before he says

"We'll just take it slow shall we" gratitude flooding through me I nod multiple times and follow 'dad' down the many halls. All through this encounter I swear I could fell the others, Princey was it, gaze boring holes though me until I thought he could see just how twisted I was, but whatever he saw within me he didn't mention it, didn't even say a word.

A/N Right so thanks for reading. I'm surprised you even managed to get to the end tbh and it is defiantly not up to my best standards but I got fed up of having to write and rewrite the one chapter.

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