New Math-Bo Burnham

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Let's do it/It's New Math

What's a pirate minus the ship?

Just a creative homeless guy.

And an anteater plus a large hungry mutant ant?

An ironic way to die.

And what's domain domain range?

A kid with too much in his pants

And two balls, minus one

Six/Seven titles at the Tour de France

Cancer/Gets worse...

Yo, split a decision with long division

Take the circumference of your circumcision.

Live like your data, when you're all set,

Put it all together, and whatever you get

It's New Math

It's New Math

And what's a bag of chips divided by five?

Well, that's a Nike worker's meal.

And Santa Claus multiplied by i

Well, I guess that makes him real.

And the square root of the NBA

Is Africa in a box.

How do you trace a scatter plot?

You give the pencil to Michael J. Fox.


Take the approximate moral proportion

Of the probable problem of a pro-life abortion

Live like your data, when you're all set,

Put it all together, and whatever you get

It's New, it's New, it's New, it's New, it's New Math

And if you took a factor tree

Of the factors that caused my girl to leave me

You'd have a tree

Full of Asian porn.

C-A-L C-U-Lator

Mathematical minds make industrial smog

What's the opposite of ln(x)

Duraflame the unnatural log

Support the farmers with a pro-tractor

Link Kennedy and Lincoln with a common factor

Live like your data, and when you're all set

Put it all together and whatever you get

It's New, it's New, it's New,

All right, word problems, ready?

If there's a fat guy in a pastry shop

With a $20 bill and he's ready to buy

In order to predict his volume change

You'll need to know the value of Pi

And there's a metal train that's a mile long

And at the very back end a lightning bolt struck her

How long 'til it reaches and kills the driver

Provided that he is a good conductor

And if 10% of men are gay

20% of men are Chinese

What are the odds that a man chosen at random

Spends his free time and mealtime while on his knees?

And if Kim is half as old as Bobby

Who is two years older than 12 year old Tori

For how many more 30 day months

Will their threesomes be considered statutory rape?

'Cause math can be sexy

'Cause having sex is like quadratic expansion,

If it can't be split then it's time to stop

And having sex is like doing fractions

It's improper for the larger one to be on top

Having sex is like math homework

I do it best when I'm alone in my bed

And squaring numbers are just like women

If they're under 13 just do them in your head.

It's New Math

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