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I know I said I'd update this Wednesday (it's 2:30 am, March 4, way too late for usual two-week update. i suck) but I just had too many school requirements so I wasn't able to update right on time. I'm so sorry, but now here it is and I hope you enjoy!

Ah, also now that I've reread my work. Just some warning that this chapter contains some matured (ish) content, such as rape and sexual abuse. I tried to minimize it, and this is as far as I can go, so just beware. 


Home: it is a four-letter word that's usually linked to a family -- a happy family, to be exact. Home is a place where there's warmth, the only source of warmth amongst the cold and cruel world. Home is a place where people feel safe, where the mother, the father, the children feel safe. Home is a nice place.

Hell is another four-letter world. It's cruel but not cold like the world. Hell is where people suffer. Hell is where the devil lives.

To Minako, home is hell because that's where her devil lives -- devil that takes a form of a father.

When she was only 8, her mother died due to physical abuse. Her mother had always been feeble but her father didn't care and still beat her mother up, ending up with her unable to take the abuse anymore and died because of it. Her other siblings had already ran away from home and never came back, leaving her alone with a devil incarnate. Though she wanted to run away as well, she couldn't. Every time she tried to, her father would tie her down on the foot of her bed from sundown to sunrise the next day just to prevent her from leaving. He had also installed locks and latches that she couldn't unlock, resulting in her being trapped inside the house; she could only go out when she has to go to school. When he had to go do his work, which was drug-dealing and drug-consuming, he'd lock every possible entrance and exits just so she could never go out. He had also taken her phone away and anything else that could be a mean of her to get some kind of help. She was clearly helpless.

The torture continued for seven more years. At age 10, she was being sexually assaulted and she couldn't get help because she wasn't able to. Every night, her father would come home drunk, and he'd force her into doing things his way -- like before, but only ten times worse. She'd be forced to take it all in, chalk it up, tolerate it. One time she was done so hard she thought she'd never make it out alive, which was a little relieving to think, but unfortunately, she did make it out alive.

That night was stormy. Lightning danced across the cloudy night while the thunder clapped. Minako was asleep in her room, relaxed by the sound of the rain against her window -- the only window in her room. She was jolted awake by the sound of the front door opening and slamming close. She was already shaking terribly because she knew what would happen next. The heavy footsteps walked up to the stairs and into her bedroom door. She wasn't very religious but the footsteps got her kneeling and praying for someone to come and save her from the nightmare she was in. The door slammed open, revealing a drunk 5'10" man whose face was red from the alcohol. Minako's breath staggered and a lump formed in her throat, making it hard for her to swallow whatever air trapped inside her mouth. The man grabbed her by the arm and threw her on the bed, making some creaking noises as he did so.

"D-Dad, please, don't do this." Minako begged but her cries and her pleas fell onto deaf ears. She continued to beg her father not to continue what he was doing until he got sick of it and smacked her across the face, telling her to shut up. She swallowed a lump and bit on her lower lip as she was being stripped off of her clothes, the cold and chilly wind from the open door causing her to shiver. She sobbed as his hands roamed about her frail and thin body, slim from being starved and weak from not being able to go outside much. "Dad, please... don't do this."

Yuri!!! On Ice : " No More Room in Hell "Where stories live. Discover now