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        They were the deepest green that I have ever seen they reminded me of the forest at the height of spring. A small whimper drew me out of my thoughts.

        "I'm sorry little one you are one of the cutest pups that I have seen in a long while.Now I am going to lay you down on the forest floor so I can see if you have any broken bones.Please be good and let me know if I do something that hurts you."

        I layed the pup on the floor and glided my hands across it's spine and everything was ok, then I moved onto what I found out to be his hind legs. I continued up to his stomach where my hands were drenched in blood, but I continued up to his front legs and chest.

        "Alright you were such a brave boy, I am going to pick you up and take you to the stream to wash off your stomach I am going to need you to stay awake and let me see those beautiful eyes,ok."

        The pup nodded his head so I scooped him up and used my shift er speed to get to the stream where I left my clothes to dry. I laid him down and ran over to my clothes and grabbed them off the tree. On my way back to the pup I began to rip my clothes into strips. When I finally reached the pup his breathing was shallow so i placed his head in my lap and rolled him over to were he was belly up.

        "Now little one this is going to sting but i need you to continue to be brave and try and stay still as much as you can."

        He just looked up at me and nodded while i dipped a piece of my ripped clothes into the stream and began to clean his wound. He began to whimper so I tried to soothe him with my voice by telling him how brave he was being and that everything would be okay. When I was finally through with cleaning the wound I found a claw mark against his stomach but his wolf was trying to heal him.

        "Alright your wolf is healing you heal but I am going to run and get some herbs that will help with the healing process I want you to stay here, but if you hear or smell someone coming I want you to howl for me okay."

        He nodded his head and licked my hand before I stood up. I ran as fast as I could to my cave and grabbed the jar of herbs I have already made into paste like substance. I put them into a bag got some more clothes and bandages and as I was heading back out the cave my heart stopped when i heard a small terrifying howl.

moon's bloodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن