chapter 2

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chapter 2

Lily kept her eyes closed as pain spread throughout her body as if a hundred knives were stabbing her constantly. The taste of blood slipped into her mouth as she began to cough.

The laughing figures began to seise as her focus began to become clearer. the shortest among the group came up to her and looked her in the eyes. "This is impossible", he exclaimed, "you really are unkillable'.

The taller man who was speaking befor pushed him over trying to have a propper glance at lily's face. "How dos it feel?", he asked,"Tell me, how does it feel to have conjured death?".....................

(back to the present)

'Younger unicorns are more trust'n so boys you can come and patt 'em", said a voice in the distance. Lily was laying against a tree unsure of what just happened. She remembered running through a strange forest, but then everything went cloudy. Her Top was socked in blood and a slight dizzy feeling kept creeping up on her. "Unicorn's re' pure creatures," The voice continued as lily tried to get a better look.

A large main with a shaggy beard was talking to a group of people who looked like students. Around him were two beautiful baby unicorns. Their hair was shinning in the sun light. Lily closed her eyes and tried to get up but pain was sweeped through her body. Whatever she did she muct not draw attention to herself.

"what are the points of these stupid lessons" a boys voice, who was close to lily, said,"I am telling you crab, these classess are going to the wolves. Just wait till my father hears about this".

Lily made sure she was out of sight. She wasn't sure where she was. 'this could be some type of illusion' she thought to herself,'maybe the death eaters  are trying to lure me into a trap'. However much she tried to convince herself this wasn't safe this place seemed familiar in some way.

"Look at Potter', Snarled the boys voice again,"He thinks he so cool with that scar on his head. I cannot believe he got past that horntail dra....... Crap whats next to your hand. Cool its a locket. but why is it made out of stone".

Lily froze for a moment and looked down at her chest. The gold locket was missing. Her heart beat increased as she relised that it was in the boys hand. Pulling out all her strenght lily jumped up and ran at the boy, snatching the locket out of his grip, making the locket turn back to the wonderful golden it was.

The forest went silent as all the peoples eyes where on her. "Quick someone fetch Madam Pomfrey", orded the large man," 're you ok? whats your name?What house 're you in".

Lily didn't know who this Madam thingy was but she couldn't take any chances. She started to run away from the figures. She did'nt know where she was going but the voices from behind her became more silent. Jumping over fallen trees she found a small clearing in the forest. 

Her head began to spin. her locket was still in her hand and was shinning the gold it did before the  boy held it. the sound of foot steps started to become louder as a boy her age appeared behind her. He had jet black hair that sat messily on his head and he wore a pair of glasses. On his forehead sat a scar shapped as a lightening bolt

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