Chapter Two

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The Golden Girl

Anais Golden is a woman that everyone loves, mainly because she exudes poise and kindness with everyone she's around. The people consider her a pillar in the tv world because she appealed to all ages. She didn't take it lightly because it was her mission to uphold her mother's legacy as her imprint was left in the tv and movie world. Her mother did one powerful performance after another giving her awards from four different major networks. She passed when Anais was only 9 years old and that was a pain Anais wouldn't wish on anyone.

Anais' acting career began all because she wanted to feel connected with her mother again, and as time went on, she wanted to break free from the cookie-cutter image she had. It'd be easier if the world would understand her faults and desires instead of viewing her as a perfect patty.  In Anais' eyes, her life was stale. She'd been acting since she was 12 years old, and she felt as if she played the same character with every role her manager made her take on.

She yearned for something new and exciting to take on and it had yet to come. Her dream was to have a music career where she made music on her own terms. Management saw her as a cheeky pop star, but she wanted to sing R&B. As she sat in the hair and makeup chair on set for her reoccurring role on the tv show XO, Georgia, she felt like she was in another rinse-and-repeat cycle. Xo, Georgia was about a woman who was trying to navigate through the elitist fashion world as an intern. Her sense of style was peculiar as she wore outrageous clothes that her boss loathed but everyone else seemed to love. She spent each episode trying to win the love of her boss Sherri and each time Sherri expressed her disdain for her.

When she turned 12, after doing many commercials she got cast in her first tv show In Cher's House. She played a young annoying neighbor, Daisy, who always bothered the main Character, Cher's 13-year-old son with her many outrageous baking dishes as she wanted to make the next big baked good for America. She did that show until she was 15 and then moved on to a similar role in another Family show, June's Got the Beat. A freshman who wanted to fit in with the cool kids coming into high school.

In each episode, she spent time doing something that she was not good at like singing, dancing, cheering, and playing in the band. June's Got the Beat went on until she turned 18 and after that, her career consisted of TV shows she'd star in or guest star in where she would be this cute quirky character that brought laughter into the room.

She looked down at her phone as the stylist pin-curled her hair. She saw that Bax was on live and her heart leaped with excitement as she quickly clicked on it. When it opened, she saw him sitting in a chair with a woman—his mother, she remembered from his posts—behind him. Her jaw dropped seeing her hold a handful of his hair in her hand. "Oh shit—" She covered her mouth in disbelief at the sight of him getting his hair cut.

"Oh wow—is that Bax cutting his hair?" the stylist asked in disbelief. She simply nodded in response as she became engulfed with interest in what was going on.

Bax was someone whom she could only admire online. She'd show support by liking his posts, using his verses for her videos and posts, and sending small comments to things he'd post on his story. Anais was curious about him. She wondered what he was like in person and if he'd give her the time of day—or was her image too squeaky clean for him to be seen talking with her. Even she knew the comments the public would make about the two of them if they were to be seen out.

She watched as each chunk was cut off and as he talked about making the decision on his own. She felt inclined to comment, I know that's right with an emoji. If only she could do what she wanted without the opinion of everyone else.

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