Chapter One: Work All Day

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Four A.M. That's what time the lights in my new room turned on. I had only been asleep since twelve last night. I didn't even get my full eight hours. Aunt Beth yelled at me to get out of bed. She threatened to throw a glass of cold water on me. I didn't litsen. I regretted it. She literally threw water on my face. I was so surprised, I swear I almost had a heart attack.

"I hope you remember this for tomorrow. When I say get up, that means get up." She slammed my door closed.

I took a handful of dry blanket and dabbed at my face. I was not going to try to go back to sleep after that. I dressed in some work pants and an old shirt I didn't care much for. Dad had bought me work boots before he shipped me over here, so I put those on too. I ran my fingers through my hair. I knew it looked wild from sleeping with it wet, but I didn't care.

You would think that since it was so early in the morning that everyone would be groggy and trying to stay awake. It was the complete opposite. Aunt Beth was standing at the stove cooking, dancing and singing along to the country music she had blasting. I don't know how I didn't hear it before. Her husband, Mark, was clearly seen outside already getting the animal's food ready. Then there was their five-year-old daughter Lilly. She came down from her room and joined her mom in dancing. How these people functioned, I would never know. I was about to sit at the dinning room table, when someone walked in from the living room. He was around five foot nine and was built with nothing but muscle.

"Morning everyone." He greeted.

Aunt Beth spun around, looking surprised. "Perry, I told you, you didn't have to come until six."

"I know, but I was awake and had nothing better to do."  He turned to me, eyes widdening. "Layton Keller?"

I raised an eyebrow. How did this punk ass kid know my name? I nodded slowly. Who the hell was he?

"Its Perry Evenson."

I took an involuntary step back. Evenson? Holy shit, the kid grew. Last time I saw him, Evenson was about as tall as his little nerd sister. Which reminds me, I need to check her out before I leave. Maybe she is actually attractive now.

"God, man, you on steroids or something? You know, they shorten your wang." I said.

His signature glare appeared on his face. "You look like the one on steroids here."

I smirked. "Nah, Evenson, this is all me." I flexed just to put him down a few pegs.

He ignored what I said. "So what are you doing with yourself now? I heard you were getting into trouble."

I kept my smirk in place, even though I wanted badly to punch him in his jaw. "I'm working for my aunt for the summer and then I'm going to college. You?" Beat that, pencil dick.

"I graduated a year early and joined the army. I'm on leave for two months, so I decided to come help Beth. I need to keep in shape some how."

Damn. I just got burried.

"So tell me, how do you keep in shape? Does juvy have good equipment?"

My hands balled into fists and I was in his face in seconds. "You want to say that again? I didn't quite hear you."

Aunt Beth pushed Evenson away from me. "You crossed the line, Perry."

The fuck tard played innocent. "I didn't mean it offencivly. I was just wondering."

"Like hell you were." I growled. "I swear, if my little cousin wasn't in here I'd kick your ass."

"Layton! No swearing!" Aunt Beth smacked my arm. "I'm going to have to make a curse jar for you." She muttered, walking away. "Every word is a quarter."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 22, 2012 ⏰

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