Chapter 12

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"Yeah, totally. I've just got to run to the house for something's, is that okay?" I asked, suddenly thinking of a perfect idea. Meryl nodded and unlocked her front door.

"The door will be unlocked, just come in whenever." She said, shutting the door. I ran back to my car, put on another shirt, and headed to the store.

I knew how stressed Meryl could be. If she gets stressed about dance choreography, I can't imagine how stressed she is right now. What would've happened if I hadn't shown up? The possibilities that were coming into my mind were unreal. How could Charlie do such a thing?

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the grocery store. I picked up some candles, two bouquets of flowers, and a Disney movie from the redbox out front. "I really hope this calms Meryl down a little." I told myself.

When I pulled into Meryl's driveway, I could see that there weren't any lights on inside. Holding everything I had bought, I walked inside to find complete darkness. "I was only gone for 10 minutes, she couldn't possibly be asleep." I thought to myself.

"Meryl?" I called her name multiple times, no response. When I walked upstairs, I could hear the sound of running water. I followed the sound and it led to the master bathroom shower. The door was open, so I slowly walked in. With everything still in my hands, I found itty bitty Meryl curled up on the shower floor, still in her clothes. I set down the things on the counter and walked into the shower with her. When I first walked in, she was just staring down at the wet ground, not even crying. I sat down next to her, my clothes starting to get soaked. Pulling her closer to me, she began to sob loudly. With her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist, I started to get a little emotional too. I've never seen her like this before. It broke my heart to see such a strong woman so upset.

This is going to be a long night.

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