Love on the trains

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    We were alike but different. He was from New York and I was from Paris. We had one thing in common though. We were both part of a group called The Subway Surfers, a group of teens that moved from city to city, pickpocketing civilians and spray painting their trains. I didn't mean to go with them.
     I was miming on the sidewalk with my beret on the ground. A couple of nickels filled it but it wasn't nearly enough to feed me. A hand tapped my shoulder, making me jump and lose character. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" A tall boy with brown hair and brown eyes said. I shook my head and I turned back to the street. "I'm Jake" the boy said, not moving. I tilted my head, acknowledging his presence. "You don't say much do you." He asked. I rolled my eyes and I grabbed the coins. I put the beret on my head, turning it slightly.
    I began to walk to the train yard, trying to shake this "Jake" off my tail. I grabbed an almost empty can of black paint and I began to spray a train car. "Wow, you sure know what you're doing, don't you?". I tossed the can over my shoulder, fed up. "What do you want? Why are you following me?" I asked breaking character. "So the mime does speak" Jake replied smirking. "Not the point, go away" I said.
   "Hey!" A passing cop yelled. Jake grabbed my hand and he dragged me behind a railroad car. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Well it appears I'm saving your ass". "Save it faster!" I hissed. Jake picked me up bridal style and he jumped into the back of the railroad car, shutting and locking the door. From the darkness of the car I heard the cop's footsteps as he ran off, looking for us. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see the outline of Jake's face, centimeters away from mine. "You ok?" He asked. "I'm fine" I whispered.
    A bang on the car startled us and he leaned even closer to me, practically pinning me to the floor. "Shh" Jake whispered. I could be his mouth moving against mine. "I'm trying but you're practically kissing me" I whispered back. "Not a bad idea" Jake whispered before he closed the distance between us. His hands crawled up my stripped mime shirt before he curled them around and pulling my suspenders off. I pulled his baseball cap off and I tossed it to the side, not breaking the kiss. He ran his hands through my hair, throwing my beret off. I pulled his gray jacket off as I pushed him on his back. I laid across his chest. Jake broke the kiss and he whispered "Not today princess" and he rolled over so I was on my back and he was straddling my waist. He pinned my wrists to the metal floor and he kissed my neck.
    A loud banging on the car made Jake sit up. A manly yet feminine voice said "Yo ?Jake gone come out yet or not, we're moving on with or without you".
   Later I learned that the girl was named Tricky, that is after I joined the Surfers. We've moved all the way to Beijing. I won't say that I miss Paris but I will say that kiss made something more than it was meant to be.

Subway Surfers जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें