moon's blood

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        I wake up to something crawling against my leg, so I quickly pulled my legs up underneath me and move farther back into the cave that i live in. I look towards the opening of the cave and see that it's just past dawn so I need to go wash up in the creek and hunt for breakfast.  I slowly make my way to the mouth of the cave and stop a few feet from the openeing and take my time listening and smelling the surrounding areas to make sure that I don't have any rouges sniffing around my territory.

        Once I decide that I am alone I walk about two miles to the stream that runs through the forest that I found on my travels. While i swam I also fished and walked to my little make shift camp and started a small fire so that I could cook the fish that I caught. I was so wrapped up in my food that i didn't hear the first snap of the twig, or at least that's what I wanted them to think, but I could smell them from miles away their stench giving away their position.  I heard the warning growl before i heard them shift their weight to lunge at me.

        I rolled to the side and took the spear that I cooked my fish on and stabbed it through the rouges throat. The second rouge  pounced on me by I got of two rounds into its chest and it landed right on top of me. I layed there for a few moments to rest and calm my heart that was racing. Sliding the rouge off of me I stood up and took a good look at the creatures that I killed. One was the size of a normal wolf with dirty, matted, blonde fur but at first glance the fur seemed to be a brown color. The second was slightly bigger with a reddish fur in worse condition than the first with twigs and leaves as well as mud covering almost every inch of him.

        I decided that they were mates and i felt a little sympathy for them, but they should have known not to enter into my territory. Since my conscious was getting the better of me for once i decided that the least I can do would be to bury them together. So I pulled them fifty feet from my favorite willow tree and burried them beneath it. I know I can be a ruthless killer when I have to be but I am still a twenty-five year old woman who can be sentimental, as seldom as that is.

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