Chapter 1

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        The year was 2186 CE, the Alliance Military fighting with the human colonies to save their homeworld from a legendary A.I., infamously named the Reapers. Created by the Leviathans, a civilization long before the long-extinct Protheans, the Reapers turned against their Creators (mirrored much later by the Geth and their creators, the Quarians.) and destroyed the Leviathans. Now, every 50,000 years, the Reapers return from hiding to destroy the most powerful civilization. Now, they are back.

        And every civilization is in danger.

        The human civilization, as well as every other, now looked to an Alliance hero by the name of Commander Shephard. She had been the one to say anything about the danger of the Reapers, to discover that they actually existsed. Nobody believed her, but she prepared anyway. Now that the Reapers have attacked the whole of the Milky Way, Shephard is humanity's only hope.

        "Why would you care about those poor, pesky, humans?" My father asked me harshly, realizing what I was reading. I slammed the book down, loosing my place and staring back up at him.

        "I don't know what you are talking about," I replied.

        "You most certainly do. Ever since we heard of the attacks on Earth, you've been all up into reading about the Human Race, all whilst your own homeworld has been taken away from you for years! Why don't you show any interest in the Quarian Race, Lydi? You are a Quarian! The humans and their poor planet will burn! Then they may understand what its like to have their planet snatched," my father retored harshly.

        "Father, forgive me, but Rannoch has been overrun by Geth for so long. My hope of ever returning to Rannoch has long been buried. We most focus on the bigger threat, now!" I answered sadly, hoping I did not hurt his feelings. "Besides, I never got to see it. My home is wherever the Migrant Fleet is. The Reapers... They aren't just attacking Earth. They've all but taken Pallaven! And Tuchanka, too! Do you not worry about the good of any civilization? The Quarians cannot live without any of the others. We can't survive the Reapers without any help from the Turians, Humans, Krogans, Asari, Salarians... We may even need the help of the Geth."

        "What did you just say?!"

        "I...I said we may need the Geth's help. I read a theory the other day, written by some unknown source, that spoke of how the Geth worship the Reapers as gods... How some escaped the system and fight against them."

        "Story book tales, Lydi! How could you believe that?"

        I sighed, closed and opened my eyes back. I wished I could know what I looked like under my helmet. "Dad, its the only hope I have right now. Between the Geth and the Reapers, I should have no hope of ever seeing our Homeworld: dead or alive. This... this Is all I have left."

        I spent the next hour or so being lectured by my father about how I should focus on one threat or the other, the most immediate one. I knew he was reffering to the Geth, but my gut knew that the Reapers were a far worse threat then the Geth ever could.


        Now, my father had just left the work to go to work. He was an Admiral of the Migrant Fleet, Admiral Zaal'Koris vas Quib-Quib was his name. I packed a back with some food, my mom's old sniper rifle, my pistol, and an extra suit. I met the Captain of the Neema. His crew was going somewhere to help out with another research group and agreed to drop me off at the Citidel. He believed me to be 18 years of age, the age in which you are preferred to take your Pilgramige. And so, he believed that was what I was doing.

        He knew nothing of my true plans, nor my real age of 16 years.

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