17 Explain Yourself

Start from the beginning

“Lay in that bad until the doctor tells you otherwise is what you gonna do.” Sasha jumped in.

“Damn Tahj you felt that?” Nate asked.

‘What?” Tahj asked giving Nate a confused look.

“The whip! ” Nate said laughing so hard his stomach started to hurt. “Sash got that ass on lock!”

“You aint funny.” Tahj kissed his teeth. “Anyway ya’ll got any word on Banko?” immediately everybodys mood changed.

“Tahj really right now!?” Sasha pointed toward Olivia.

“Don't worry Tahj I got it handled just get better.” Carter reassured him.


Just like Sasha Viola barely got any sleep. With Carter back with Kali, Banko losing his damn mind , Tahj in the hospital and Sasha being such a bitch about it she couldn’t bring herself to relax. Even the gifts her new “friend” Lance sent to her this morning didn’t ease her mind. She had been calling the hospital and some woman had the nerve to say she couldn't give out any information over the phone. So instead she decided to just call her younger son to see if he had any updates.

“Hey ma wassup!” He sounded oddly at ease given that their  world was possibly falling apart.

“Where are you?”

“With Kali and Olivia. just got back from seeing Tahj.”

“From seeing Tahj?!”

“Yeah he woke up a few hours ago. Sasha didn't tell you?”

“No that bitch didnt tell me anything.” Viola began to see red.

“Ma please don't go up there acting a fool. I’m sure she will call you its a lot going on right now.” Carter was trying to calm her. He couldn't have her off the rails not with everything he had on his plate right now.  It was too late though Viola was already seeing red.


“Just eat it.” Sasha said while laughing at the disgusted look on Tahj’s face.

“Sash this shit look like death.” No way was he going to eat this mystery meat and vegetables on the tray in front of him.

“ Its good.”

“So you eat it.  Call Nate he’ll bring me something.” Tahj told her. Even though Nate left a few minutes ago Tahj knew his friend would turn right around to bring him some real food.

“Nate is busy.” Sasha laughed once again lifting the spork to his lips. “Eat!”

“MOVE! I AM HERE TO SEE MY SON!” They heard Viola’s shouting from the other side of Tahj’s room door. Alic’s security didn't know who she was so they had no intentions on letting her in.

“Seriously?” Sasha shook her head putting the spork back into the tray. “I didn’t call Ursula for a reason!”

“It’s alright Sash let her in.” Tahj knew  he had to see his mother again eventually. He would have to see her and as much as he needed to tell Carter everything she did he found himself needing to hear her explain her self even more.

Much to Sasha’s displeasure she got up to open the door not without mumbling some not so good things about Viola under her breath. She did get some amusement out of seeing Viola trying to get free from the Russian guards grasp.  “It’s okay guys you can let her go she’s good.”

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