Chapter 23 - Surprise Greetings and Article Writing.

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"Is this love? Really love? 

I need to know, need to know. 

'Cause I've never been this close."


As my fist came up to his door, I trembled a little nervously. I had told him to stay away yet here I was myself probably about to make it harder for him as I came to pick up the rest of my things. After a few knocks he didn't answer and I felt somewhat guilty, he was most likely still in bed or maybe he wasn't here at all.

As I was about to give up and walk away the door swung open and instead of being greeted by Harry, my eyes landed upon Rowan, wearing nothing but Harry's shirt, her thick purple hair was a mess and slightly sticky around the forehead. The evidence was clear as to why she was here.

She looked me up and down, smirking at me. “Oh hey, you've finally come running back to him? Well you're too late now he's got me” she mockingly spoke.

“Er.. I only came to pick up some stuff I left here” I replied, feeling awkward and not really knowing how to feel or react toward the situation.

“Wow, smart you walk out on him and don't even take all your stuff”, she rolled her eyes. I was slightly relieved when I heard Harry approaching behind Rowan as I really could not bare to talk to her any longer, I didn't want to have to face Harry either, but that was for different reasons.

“Who is it?” I heard his voice for the first time in a week. Then he appeared around the corner and his eyes met mine his eyes weakened and his jaw dropped a little. He wore only his boxers, his several tattoos on full display. I cautiously looked between the two of them not really certain of how to behave, the whole situation was extremely awkward as we all looked at each other. It was Harry who eventually broke the silence, looking at me with worried eyes.

“Ava” he whispered before moving forward wrapping his arms around me, taking me by surprise. Rowan soon tugged him back, pulling him into her side as she scowled at me. Harry wasted no time in swatting her away before asking if I was okay.

“Yeah, I'm fine I just came to get some of my things that I left but I can see you're busy so I'll just come back later or tomorrow or something” I responded.

“I wasn't busy, it's fine” Harry said.

“Yes we were actually so if you don't mind” Rowan interjected.

Harry turned to her and narrowed his eyes at her. “I think you should leave”

“No way am I leaving, she's the one that walked out on you remember, I wouldn't do that to you” Rowan argued.

“Yeah well I don't give a shit what you would and wouldn't do, right now I don't want you here” Harry angrily spoke.

“You know you wouldn't be saying that if she hadn't turned up”

“I was drunk last night, that's all it was, a drunken mistake. Now please leave me the fuck alone and don't forget to leave my shirt behind” Harry ushered her away and she just murmured under her breath before going to get changed.

“Why did you do that?” I asked him.

“Do what? Send her away?” he asked and I nodded.

“Because, she's annoying, you don't like her yourself”

“Well I didn't want you to send her on my account” I spoke.

“I didn't” he said becoming irritated.

It was silent between us until Rowan eventually left, she didn't stay anything just stormed out and slammed the door behind her and I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

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