Can we still be friends?

Start from the beginning


Meredith entered the Attendings Lounge and dropped her charts on top of the table; "Hey Alex, why did an intern gave me compliment on the crown mouldings in my empty house? Are you still sleeping there?"

"Chicks like it better than the on-call room" Alex replied as he screws the bottle cap back on the milk.

Miranda stacked Meredith's charts neatly on the table as she stares at the bickering surgeons.

"Okay, that's disgusting. Now I have to have the place tented, give me back my key"

Alex moved towards the table and sat down; "You don't even live there anymore. What do you care?" he replied while putting his bowl on top.

Meredith narrowed her eyes; "Key. Please."

The door suddenly opened and admitted an excited looking April Kepner; "Hey you guys!" she said cheerfully. She dragged her luggage behind her and began looking around the room; "Can you believe we're in the Attendings' Lounge?"

"April, what are you doing here?" Meredith asked in surprise.

April stopped right in front of the table and faced her friends; "Oh, uh, Hunt came and got me on the farm in Moline. I was giving the pigs their breakfast and I turned around, and there's Dr. Hunt, offering me my job back, he didn't tell you guys?"

Miranda stared at April blankly as Alex shook his head.

"Did anyone else see Dr. Hunt in the barnyard?" Meredith teased.

April rolled her eyes at her friend before bending towards her luggage.

"When he appeared unto you, was he glowing at all?" Alex asked with smirk.

The door was yanked open again and this time a sour looking Jackson sauntered in; he's tugging his scrubs top up when he noticed a figure hunched behind the table, making him do a double-take when he recognized the auburn locks. "April?" he asked, clearly in shock.

April stood straight and turned around; she felt her breath hitch in her throat when she saw the person she least expected to see standing beside Meredith.

Meredith threw Jackson a side glance before smiling happily; "Hunt hired her back."'

"We think, it might've been Jesus." Alex teased.

April's eyes widen as she stared at Jackson; "I thought you went to Tulane."

Jackson averted his gaze and began pulling his scrub top off; "Uh, yeah. No, I-I-I changed my mind" he stuttered.

Miranda scowled at the Plastic Fellow; "Hey, you people are Attending's, you do not change clothes in front of everyone."

Alex turned his eyes towards April and caught her staring at Jackson's body.

"-like animals or interns because nobody wants to see all that"

Alex snorted; "Apparently Kepner does"

April shuddered and shifted her eyes to Alex; "What? N-no, I d-I don't. I-I wasn't-I" she stuttered and when she couldn't find the right words to say, she just averted her gaze.

Meredith threw April and Jackson an amused look.

Alex's pager went off so he plucked it from his pocket; he read the message and hastily stood up from his chair. "Gotta go" he said before scurrying away, leaving his breakfast on the table.

Meredith plucked her things from the table as well and smiled at April; "Me too. Welcome back" she said before following Alex.

Miranda opened her mouth to chastise her former prots but they were out the room even before she's able to utter a word.

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