chapter 1 eren's court day and the day SHE appeared

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this was the day that decided Eren Yeager fate where he live or die but what everyone didn't know it was the day that would change humanity live forever eran Yeager was being take to the court room and place in the centre of the court the military police said that for the good of humanity he had to die as he couldn't control his power in his titan form the Scout Regiment  try to say that with practice he could control it but that didn't seem to sway the judge just as eran was shout that they should put some faith in him and let him  join the scout regiment levi jumped over the rail and went to start kicking but then everything happened at once the court room doors slammed open and a beautiful white hair with blue eyes full armoured woman stepped in with her arm looking like it was reaching out to eren as levi tried to kick eren which for some unknown reason he couldn't reach him as if a barrier was placed around him just then that who now had four other people behind her in full head to toe armour were at her side she spoke " I'm sorry but I cant allow you to hurt that boy " her voice held was booth beautiful and powerful it held so much wisdom in her voice that everyone in the room was made to listen to her the judge was the first to regain his thoughts then also and military police snapped out of there thoughts and pointed there guns at her as the judge spoke " and just who are you and I'm guessing form what your wearing your not from inside the walls " the girl gave him a smile that rivalled the goddess's the wall people pray too and nodded " you would be right I'm from outside the walls my name is karma I'm the founder of the people that wish to destroy the titans and also the builder of the floating kingdom of Laputa unfortunately you would not be able to see it with its cloaking on I'm here because one of our own has a son here and his adapted daughter are here unfortunately there father die in a mission and it has taken me nearly five years to get here there is also another one too I request you relist them at once or I will have no choose but to use force which you guns will do you no good as you all saw I stopped that boy from getting kick what make you think I cant stop a bullet so please as fellow humans lower your guns and hand over the children also I would like to extend the offer to the Scout Regiment too   " she said the military police still didn't put there guns down and one of them shouted " just who do you think you are coming in here and making demands and how do we not know that your not working with the titans !!" a man shout at her one of her fellow knight stepped and with one quick move all there guns was cut to bits and a sword was held to the mans throat " how dare you speak to lady karma that way she has come all the way here reviled who she is and where she came from lady karma speak truth unlike you people who are !!!" just as the knight was to finish that sentence karma shouted in I loud and commanding voice " STOP RIGHT THERE SOLDIER YOU ARE NOT TO TOLK ABOUT THAT NOW STAND DOWN AND SHEATH YOUR BLADE !" the knight bowed to her and swiftly sheathed and moved back to there spot the judge then spook " and who are these children you wish to take with you and why do you wish to also take the scout regiment too ? " he asked karma tuned back to the old man sitting in front of her " the children are as followed Eren Yeager , Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlelt  these are the children that I'm taking under my wing I also know the reason why eren can change into a titan and why he lost control as for the scouts well from the report and what iv seen you all think that there useless and they have no purpose  as long as you have the wall to protect you but one would think after the fall of the maria wall you know that there not going to last forever and yet you choose to lord over each other good lord you may as well cut your own throats and let the ones that truly wish to be free at charge and live I'm surprised there has not been an uprising yet also " she then spoke in another language to the one that moved earlier the knight move to eren pulled out there sword and cut throw the restraints like warm butter and helped him up and pulled some food and water out and handed it to him she then spoke back in there language " it looks like you have not been taken care of the boy since he came back to his senses and sealed the gate for you too and you call your self humans" the head of the military then spoke " he is not human so why should we treat him like one ?"  karmas eyes where full force on him " that boy is more human then anyone after all how many of you can give up your humanity and become what you hate just so you can help humanity and he would have had control if some didn't give him alcohol a you as a man should know men tend to get violent the there drunk " she said starting the man down as he tried to stand his ground as he spoke "and how do you know he had alcohol before going into titan form ?" karma rised  her elegant eyebrow to him and said " .... well that said it all you must be very shit at your job if you cant identify the sent of alcohol on his breath which reminds me just who was it that gave it him ?" she then walked up to eren " child who let you the alcohol ?" she asked in soothing motherly  voice the child didn't look like he wanted to answer so she tune back to the judge and asked "who was with the boy when the boy went to seal the gate back up other the Mikasa and Armin the are here " the judge nodded and said " miss Rico Brzenska please stand " karma then tuned her gaze to the girl " miss Rico as you was with the group before the mission started how was it that gave eren the Rico alcohol or a drink before the mission started" she asked the lend forwarded looking at her dead in the eyes and said " and I hope for your sake you tell the truth  and I can tell when people or lying  after all it part of my job"  at first she didn't want to say but with the look karma gave her she answered " the only person the gave the kid a drink was the commander " karma then tuned to the people that had the same symbol as her " and which one of you is the commander " she asked Dot Pixis  raised his hand and karma know right away that they know he was a drunk and that they just wanted to kill him to keep the secrets about titan unknown to everyone karma then tune back to the judge and said " will I think that over everything in this case now please let me take those that iv asked for I will also leave with you and the garrison a way to contacted me if you need help " the judge thought about it and realised he didn't have a choose " very well then the scout and the children you have asked for can go this case is dismissed " and with that the case for eren was over and the scout with eren ,mikasa and  armin with  karma with her guards left the court room    

( what karma looks like with out the wolf ears )

( her armour she didn't have the shield or sword  )

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( her armour she didn't have the shield or sword  )

( hey everyone please let me know what you think of my new attack on titan story and don't forget to vote and comment love you all xx ))    ;)

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