Chapter 3

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It's been a week since Gray told Lucy and the others about his crush on Natsu. They all have been supportive of him but sometimes they would act strange.

When Natsu got close to Gray they would whisper in his ear "you're in lllooovvveee"Gray blushed and looked away.

'Gray do you want to come to the park tonight?'

The small cute little pink ball wrote to Gray.

"U-um y-yea" Gray stuttered

'Great now i'm stuttering' Gray mentally face palmed.


Gray was getting dressed in different clothes after his shower.On the other hand Natsu was doing the same.

Gray had 30 minutes before he had to be at the park. Due to the fact that Lyon already has his someone he decided to ask advice form him.

"Look Lyon I like this person but I don't know if that person will like me back, what do I do?" He asked

Lyon looked surprised and said to him "As your older brother I will help but I just wants to know who this someone is." He informed

Gray didn't say anything, "I'll only give you advice if I know who." Lyon teased.

Gray sighed in defeat, "Ok,ok," Gray sighed again, "Natsu."

Natsu was all Gray said, Lyon burst into an smile.

"I knew it!" Lyon yelled on top of his lungs.

"WHAT'S GOING OOOON?!", Shouted their mom Ur.

Gray and Lyon where terrified and ran to their mom."We're sorry." they apologisedin unison.

"Now," whenever Ur paused in an sentence she seemed more intimidating.

"What's goin-" Ur was interrupted by Grays alarm going off.

"I'm gonna be late!" Gray yelled. "Sorry mom." He said in a hurry

Gray left like a fly in the sky.

"So Lyon what's going on?" Ur politely asked her oldest son.

"Mom, you see Gray likes this boy and he was gonna ask me for help but we didn't have time 'cause after I yelled 'I knew it' you came along. I'm not trying to say it's your fault if Gray gets rejected"

Ur gave Lyon a death glare that he will never forget, "Come on we're going to spy on them."

'Whoa this isn't like mom' Lyon thought.They walked to the park and hid behind an bush. They typed not to be loud because they didn't want to be caught

Gray was sitting next to Natsu on the swings looking at him nervously. Juvia appeared behind Lyon also crouching behind the bush.

"Juvia hopes Natsu says 'yes'" Juvia whispered. Ur flinched at her sudden appearance.

Gray started to talk, everyone got stiff. Everyone was very observant of every move they did.

"Natsu I've known you for a while now and I feel I know you alot better, and even though I still have an lot more to learn about you I'd like to ask,"

Natsu looked up at him, "Will you be my boyfriend."

Natsu looked up at him with surprised in his face, Gray looked away scared to know what his answer was.

"I understand if you don't want to and you can hate me if you want but I just wanted to ask." He said tears threatening about to fall.

Natsu looked at him and said "Yes" Gray was in shock at two reasons.

Natsu talked

He said yes

Gray hugged him, "thank you, also I thought you couldn't talk?"

Natsu got some paper out, 'I can it just takes the breath out of me and is hard on my vocal chords." Natsu sighed and giggled.

Gray was taken aback.

Juvia was fan girling in the bush.

Apparently Gray heard her.

"Juvia what are you doing here?" Gray asked sternly. Natsu stood there stunned.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" They all shouted. I swear you could hear them across the whole world.

705 words 3/1/18

(to current readers, Those of you who read last chapter and was confused about how i accidently called Lissana Levy I'm sorry thankfully my friend,

@SailorMikuChan mentioned it to me yesterday at her house after school. I'm sorry if you don't like my story or if it's uninteresting to you my apologies.

i edited this cause i accidentally put the same paragraph twice cause i have this in my google drive)

❤️~Gratsu~❤️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat