Becoming Partners

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You grinned as you watched Lisanna try to convince Natsu to go and train with her. The two were close, no doubt. You weren't sure that Natsu even registered that Lisanna had a huge crush on him, the guy was so dense. But watching their friendship was funny, mostly because Lisanna was still very childish in her personality. She was like an angel compared to her siblings, with Mirajane being a very aggressive teenager.

It didn't help that Erza and Mira nearly destroyed the guild hall every chance that they had. The two were always fighting, and you could see how Erza had become an S-Class mage at such a young age.

You didn't interact with a lot of people.

Here and there you would talk with someone - there wasn't a person in the guild who didn't know your name - but then they would start asking about Mystogan and you'd go quiet. It wasn't that you didn't want to gush to them all about how amazing your friend was, but he was kind of a private person. He wasn't one to want their friendship to be leaked to the public.

Which was understandable.

"Lisanna, stop!" Natsu whined, swatting at her with his hands. "Will you just go away already?" The salmon haired boy was looking at the request board. He was already trying to go out on his own, and Lisanna had wanted to become his partner, but Natsu refused. It kind of broke your heart a little to see it, because she was so excited, and when she hadn't given up Natsu had told her that he didn't want a weak girl as a partner.

Which had prompted him to get beaten up by both Mirajane AND Lisanna.

Needless to say he'd never called her weak again.

He still didn't accept her as his partner.

Your gaze left the two younger kids to look over to see what was going on with everyone else. Cana was working on her card tricks, and she was getting better each and every day that she practiced. Mira was arguing with Erza again, but you weren't really concerned much by it.

"You doing okay?"

Blinking, you looked over to the older man and offered a small smile. "Yeah I'm okay Gildarts. When I joined I guess I just didn't realize that Myst wouldn't be here often."

"Myst?" Gildarts raised a brow, and your cheeks flushed slightly.

"It's a nickname in progress. I haven't run it by him yet because he hasn't been here in months." You admitted, sighing slightly. Fairy Tail was great! You loved everyone, and more often than not you got lost in the hectic life of being a wizard of such a guild. You were grateful to Mystogan for getting you in. But you soon realized Mystogan was rarely around, and he had been your closest friend.

"You're the only one he bothers to see around here, so that has to count for something." Gildarts pointed out.

"Eh, I guess.." You shrugged your shoulders. "He still won't let me see his real face, though. I told him I wouldn't run no matter what he showed me but he won't budge. Makarov won't tell me either." Not that it was a big deal, but it felt like he didn't trust you... and that didn't feel good.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a quest to go on." Gildarts ruffled your hair and you frowned.

"When are you coming back?"

He gave you a small smile. "It won't be for a while, but keep your chin up. Mystogan is in the running for S-Class this year, I'm sure of it." He winked. "So just be there to support him, yeah? You only have a few more months before the trials."

You gasped, eyes wide. Was he really going to become an S-Class mage? For years you'd wanted to see him reach that level of wizardry.

~ Momentary Timeskip to the fun stuff ~

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