My Fear

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    Even if your a christian you still have fear cause we are still in the flesh.
    Me? I have a lot of Fear like of everything the worst thing that is always in my mind is fear. I am scared of many things like, the dark, afraid to die early, a family member will die, I am not good enough, and many more. Satan really likes to make us scared cause we lose our focus on God and when we do that our faith becomes smaller and the smaller it gets, we are easily prey...and God doesn't want that. If your afraid the only way that will make you not afraid is to trust God. I am going to give you a story that is a good example. It is a story of how I was afraid of something. Have you like played a horror game and you get nightmares at night? Well this story is a little similar.
      So it was two or three years ago my friend which is a boy was watching a horror game. Well you might have heard it cause it became popular.It is called Five Nights at Freddy's or for short FNAF. So since I am the person who always wants to be brave I decided to watch it. At that day it was fine I thought I was brave until I have a lot of nightmares and it took about a month and you know how did it stop? You see I told my grandma about this and she told me a story of her mother who saw a witch which she thought and she said in Jesus Name and it flew away but it maybe like why did fly away like if it was a bird, birds are created by God right and now there is witchcraft so it must be. Well I do not believe in witchcraft or witches. Well I guess you might not believe this story too but just focus on the in the name of Jesus part. Then my grandma told me every night always say the verse 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a soundmind." So everynight when I wake up having a nightmare I always say that verse until my fear disappeared like now when I think about the game I am not scared anymore. It was a Miracle!
It can work for anykind of fear cause nothing is impossible with God.     
    Though it might not take month for the fear to go away cause it might also take years but all you have to do is trust God and He will help you. God made a promise to never fosake you and He does keep his promises remember that and also never let your little children watch horror cause you will build the fear in their hearts just a pro parent tip 😉.
Hope you like it! Trust in God and God Bless!

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