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Ember awoke the next morning and began her daily routine. Once she had finished she grabbed her things and headed out of her dorm towards her first class of the day.

Pushing the door open she was again greeted by a nice cool breeze. She pushed her hair out her face as she stepped out onto the campus. She adjusted the straps on her bookbag. She stuffed her hands in her pocket and continued walking, taking in the scenery of the beautiful campus she attended. Her mind drifted off to many things-one in particular being Chase. From what she endured from yesterday's activities, he seemed like a pretty cool dude. She didn't understand why he had friends like the twins, but she wasn't the one to judge.

She sloshed through her campus until she got to her desired building. Her feet were already tired and in that moment she contemplated on getting a bike to ride around campus on. It would cut her time to get to class in half.

"Hey." She heard a voice in the distance. Wondering who would be calling her, she turned around. Chase smiled once they made eye contact with one another. He quickened his pace so he could fully catch up to her before speaking. "You have class this early? How are you even friends with the twins and Crystal?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." Ember says smartly.

"For your information, I don't have class this early in the morning. I'm actually on my way to the library so I can get some homework finished." He yawned after his statement.

"What class do you have?" Ember says causing the man to chuckle.

"Ah, Interpersoinal Communications." He took his hand and rubbed the back of his neck.

"What's your major?"

"Are you flirting with me?" CHase raised his eyebrow as he looked down at Ember who frowned.

"Of course not." She says. "I'm just making conversation."

"Sociology." He says. "And I take it you're an art major?"

"Art and Psychology."

"Look at you being all smart or whatever." Chase smirked as he looked over at the girl.

"Ya'know, before I didn't know how you managed to be friends with twins like Cortez & Carter, but now I see." Ember rolled her eyes as if she was talking to a child. Chase chuckled a bit before he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I dunno if that's a good thing or a a bad thing."

"Take it how you want." She shrugged.

"Are you always this mean?"

"You think I'm mean?" Ember looked over at the tan man and raised her eyebrow.

"Eh, you weren't particularly nice when we bumped into eachother."

"Well you made a short joke."

"Sensitive about your height?"

"Sensitive about your hairline?"

"My hairline?" Chase scoffed. "That's a low blow but I expect that from someone as small as you."

Ember twisted her lips looking at him. "I'm not gonna stand here and be talked about by someone I barely even know." 

"Ya know, if you wanna be friends with someone, assuming things isn't the way to go." He says breaking their silence. "I'm down to be your friend all you have to do is ask and Ima say 'yeah' what's so hard about that?"

"That wasn't what I was trying to do." Ember says slowly. "I was just saying."

"You were just assuming and that's okay." Chase shrugged. "I was assuming you were a stuck up mean ass person when I met you and now I see you're just rough around the edges. No pun intended."

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