The meeting of legends

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​ The whole town was filled with energy, from the rushing of the crowd to the life thriving in it to the magical beings and creatures, registered or not. Left and right there were merchants selling some sort of good, whether it be clothing, food, toys, pets or jewelry, I do not know nor do I care to find out. The area was so packed, men and women were shoulder to shoulder and tripping over each other in an attempt of getting through. Not a lot of people were used to such things, which included myself, so I had to move my tail aside snake-like tail from being stepped on by passerbys and keep my midnight black and red wings tucked in. What made things even worse was the amount of children running around under feet, begging to be stepped on.

  I looked from side to side as my younger companion followed at my side, trying not to get tripped. We slowly approached a tavern and I glance down at her. "Just for food and drink, ok, then come right back out?" I ask quietly not wanting to attract any attention. She nods and walks into the tavern while I waited outside of the warm tavern wanting to watch for anyone suspicious or dangerous. I didn't like the thought of Amanda being in there by herself but I had to watch for anyone who might come to hurt Amanda or myself. It was my job to protect Amanda with my life. And I intend to take my job seriously.

  Ages seemed to pass. What was a few minutes felt like a few hours. People went in and came out of the tavern like a constantly moving stream. It was a very normal day for the busy town, and the owners of this tavern were making some good money. Women eyed some men from secluded places, and they'd follow each other away. It was disturbing, disgusting, but it was how many people made a living in these lands. These corrupted lands. Only so many people could get descent jobs without becoming thieves.

  Voices started erupting from the bar, yelling. Amanda. Standing up quickly, I rushed to the door. Before my fingers even brushed the surface of the knob, the door burst open. A man collapsed to the ground on the snow, blood dripping from his nose. "Argh...," he spit up blood mixed saliva. "That bitch..." he tried to push himself up, but a combat boot landed on his chest, pinning him to the ground.

  My heart froze as my red eyes landed upon the woman. Dark brown hair folded around her head, braided back into what looked like a crown, pulling it out of her face. It looked so soft. Her ghostly skin seemed almost see through, but it was so fair that it would make any man wish to feel it. Her body was thin with many curves, just in the right places, and would have driven me crazy if I wasn't on a mission. Silver eyes turned upward, storming like thunderheads, and she considered me for a moment before her full lips thinned, hardening as she stared at my horns. Her lips moved, but they made no sound, however it was obvious what she said. Demon.

  Taking my eyes off of her, which took a lot of effort, I searched the crowd for Amanda. Her bright blonde hair differed from the many men and women in there. It didn't take much to grab her. "Are you alright, Am?" I checked her body for cuts or bruises. She seemed perfectly fine, albeit maybe a little... I have no word for it in English. Curse the human limitations!

  "I'm fine. That drunken fool you saw that got his arse beat tried to have a little fun, but obviously that little woman ruined his day. At least she saved mine," she smiled at me, her innocent eyes dancing. "It would have been nice to catch her name, wouldn't it have been?" What is she planning at...?

  I answer before I could think. "Yeah... it would have been," I think back upon her slim but powerful body. Magnificent... and those curves... to imagine feeling and memorizing the patterns they danced to... and perhaps she had soft skin?-even better, soft hair! Jumping slightly, I growled at Amanda, who had started laughing.

  "Oh, Rod, you're easy to tease."

  I hardened my face. "We're leaving," I whispered urgently to her. She opened her mouth to argue, but I silenced her. "We are running out of time, Amanda. If we are to get home we must go now." I must not let myself become caught in a trance staring at pretty girls on the streets...

Scars of FateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora