The Terrible Backstory....

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As you walked home after school listening to Her Last Words you remember a little bit of your backstory.

              Backstory time~!

You hear your mother screaming at your father saying "LEAVE MY HOUSE DON'T EVER COME BACK!!!!" and your father trying to negotiate saying "Please Lilliana i can explain!"

           Five y/o you P.O.V

You start crying a little trying to ignore your parents fighting, you then go downstairs to get a snack and see your mother with a gun pointed at your father. You start crying like crazy to prevent your mother from shooting your dad.

              Your mom's P.O.V

"Huh?" She drops the gun and goes to you. "Baby go back to your room and go play games." She smiles sweetly and shoves Chips in your face and softly pushes you to your room.

               Your dad's P.O.V
He looks at you and wispers "Thanks kiddo....." he then proceeds to grab the gun. Your mother was in front of him by then though. She grabbed the gun and pointed it me. I thought to myself 'I'm dead, this is it world goodbye.....'

             Your mom's P.O.V
I pointed the gun ar me soon to be dead husband and said "Any last words jacka*s." He nodded no, I cocked the gun and shot him. My floor ,walls,me,everything around was covered with blood. I then proceeded to clean me amd my mess up.....

              After the backstory

You stop walking and start to cry without realizing it, Karma sees you amd walks to you and asks "Are you ok?" you look at him and say "Yeah im fine,why?"

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