Fish Fight To The Death...

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[Exit all, but the Chorus. A messenger enters.]

Second Messenger: O princes, our glorious queen Jocasta wishes she was no more.

Chorus: Oh dear Lord who art in heaven, Apollo be thy name. Look upon out queen and spare her dastardly thoughts of leaving this world...
[Scene changes to the Royal House of Thebes Oedipus and Jocasta are in their chambers.]

Jocasta: Dear King... My son, I beg of you, please do not look down upon me for abandoning you so many years ago. I beg of you, please spare my life.

Oedipus: Why shall I spare your life? You left me in a hill to die for Apollo's sake!
[Oedipus unsheathes his sword in anger. An angered Creon enters, having caught wind of the scenario before him.]

Creon: How dare you! Raise mot your hand to my sister! And your mother... and your wife...
[Creon sweatdrops.]

Oedipus: If you dare step in the way of your own kin, then I will not hesitate to harm any in my way. Move fool, whilst you still can.

Creon: Then make me dear nephew, for I shall not you strike down sister!
[Both men raise their swords as Jocasta cowers in fear.]

Jocasta: Oh men of the royal house I ask of you, do not fight in here, for I have just made the bedding and the fighting would make the decor most unpleasing.

[The two exit and flee to the Courtyard.]

Oedipus: Raise your weapon coward!

Creon: How dare you call me a coward!? I have gotten wind of you fleeing from your own country! To whom is the coward now?

Chorus: Oh how they sully each other's name! Our dear royal family should not fight one another!
[The two begin to fight vigorously. The fighting seems to go on forever, though it had been only mere moments. In the midst of their scuffle, they manage to make their way to the river that ran throughout their kingdom.]

Oedipus: You weak fool! How dare thou fight a battle that thou shall not conquer!

Creon: I must admit your swordsman ship is quite admirable, however, it is no match for my own!
[The two men cross swords, struggling to make the other submit. Suddenly in their clash of strength, their swords shatter into pieces causing them to lose their footing. They both fall into the nearby river.]

Oedipus: Well, I believe that we both match each other in strength, but you are no match for this! En garde!
[Oedipus pulls his hand from behind his back, holding a large salmon.]

Creon: Oh sly dog, you think you have the upper hand, but I too have a second weapon.
[Creon grabs a nearby fish as well, raising it in fury.]

Chorus: Oh dear Apollo, now they have fish...
[The Chorus shakes their heads in disappointment.]

Creon: I shall smite thee!
[Creon snacks Oedipus in the face with the fish, using all his strength.]

Oedipus: My face!
[Oedipus, in sheer terror, falls backwards, into the water, where he hits his head on a rock, and dies. Creon watches as he drifts away.]

Creon: I have slain you, O' unworthy king, my nephew... Now, I shall become King!
[Everyone exits, except for the Chorus.]

Chorus: Oedipus is dead, Creon is now our new ruler, with his wife. Our dear Queen Jocasta has stepped down from her position to live ther rest of her days in sorrow with her children, who are also her grandchildren.  The rest of life goes on like this until the end of days. For now...

[Curtain Close]

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