Clowns Aren't All Fun and Games

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Cast :

Karen Gillian as Karen age:18

Jared Padalecki as Kyle age:18  

Jamie Oram as Dan age:8

It was a beautiful day in Kansas, the sun shining. Karen and her boyfriend Kyle decided to take her little brother Dan to the circus to see the clowns. A gift for his tenth birthday. Dan wanted to see the clowns perform since he heard they were coming to town. He just loves to see the smiling clowns. The famous clown Smiley will be performing, he is Dan's favorite clown. So they get tickets to the first performance and watch it the whole way through.

When the show ended Dan begs to meet Smiley. So Karen and Kyle can't help but give into the adorable boys request. They go to the dressing rooms to meet Smiley. Kyle goes in first to make sure it is okay. While Kyle is in the dressing room Karen hears grunting. A few seconds after first hearing the grunting Kyle runs out of the dressing room yelling at Karen to take Dan and run as far as she can. Karen is confused at first then notices dark red blood gushing from his mouth and covering his hands. Karen tries to muffle her horrified screams with her hands. It appears that Kyle's chest has been brutally ripped apart. He is covered in claw marks.

Karen hurriedly scoops Dan into her arms and runs until she can find her car in the huge parking lot. She knows that she has to protect her brother by getting him somewhere safe. She tries to open the car door but its locked. Her keys are in her purse but it is so messy and full of random shit that finding the car keys is a difficult task. Finally her slender shaky fingers wrap around the cold metal objects. With the keys on her hand and Dan in her arms Karen rushes to unlock the car door. After what feels like a lifetime she gets the door unlocked and opened. Karen safely places Dan in the backseat and rushes to get in the drivers seat. She puts the key in the ignition. The car won't start.

Karen slams her hands against the steering wheel out of frustration. Her breathing becomes rapid and heavy, her heart pounding so hard she is convinced that Dan can hear it in the backseat. Her palms become increasingly sweaty. She knows what is happening to her, she is having a severe panic attack. The fear is evident in her tear rimmed, vibrant emerald eyes. This is when she remembers her little brother in the backseat probably traumatized and scared out of his mind. She puts on a face of emotionlessness. Karen is determined to keep Dan safe.

They exit the car only to find Smiley emerge from his dressing room. An ominous feeling settles in the pit of her gut. Smiley turns and smiles evilly at Karen and Dan. He advances, knives in hand. Karen searches for an escape route with her eyes. The only exit behind the killer clown. Meanwhile Smiley advances even quicker. Karen tries to put as much space between Smiley and them. But he only chuckles darkly.

Soon they are cornered back to the fencing. Karen looks down and is horrified to see that Smiley is not holding knives. What had appeared to be knives were his sharp knife like claws coming from the start of his fingers. Smiley sees the fear Karen tried so hard to hide in her eyes and tilts his head in a mocking way. Karen pushes Dan behind her trying to protect him. Smiley only laughs before he violently rips out her throat with his claws, blood spurting from the deep wound. Karen gurgles her blood with the will to live. Her attempts fail and she falls to her knees than to the floor and dies. Smiley's claws retract and he he reaches for Dan's hand. Dan clings to Smiley, eyes dilated. Dan belongs to Smiley now.

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