Songs to Love and Die By

Start from the beginning

"So I take it you're not a fan." Max replied as Nathan slammed the money on the counter before he left the store. Keith turned to face Lucas. 

"She never went back, Luke." Keith stated and Lucas shook his head.

"I don't believe it. They loved each other." Lucas replied and he was right, they DID love each other.

"Yeah, they did. But you never went to New York to ask her to come back." Keith started and Lucas sighed annoyed. "That doesn't mean she didn't love him, or that they weren't meant to be, but without you, Claudia stayed out on tour and by the time came home, well, Nathan's pride was just too much to overcome. Man, pride gets in the way of a lot of good things in this life, Luke." Keith explained before he picked up a vinyl. "Journey. Man, I used to love Journey." Keith smiled to himself as he looked at the record.

"Keith." Lucas stated, he wanted to continue to conversation.

"Oh, yeah. You remember when you went to that...the beach party? And how you took the time to go and talk to Nathan?" Keith asked and Lucas nodded his head. "That mattered, Luke. It all matters. Come on." Keith continued before he began to walk out of the store, Lucas followed after him.


In Claudia's hospital room, she was lying on the bed unconscious. Nathan was sitting next to Claudia's bed, hangdog.

"Hey, baby. You know how you're always telling me that you're not going anywhere?" Nathan asked crying a little. "Well, I need to hold you to that right now, okay? I just need you to come back to me." Nathan continued. "Listen, just move one of your fingers if you can hear me, okay? Just move one of those beautiful fingers and let me know that you're still here with me." Nathan asked as he held onto her and, he got no response. He started to cry uncontrollably. 


Peyton walked into Claudia's hospital room. She turned the TV off and stood at the bed beside an unconscious Claudia.

"Hey it's me. Nathan's a mess." Peyton started off saying as she looked down at Claudia's sleeping face that was bandaged up. Peyton then looked at her broken leg. "Well, you gotta wake up soon 'cause I need you to take care of Brooke. I just... I can't do it anymore. And it's not like we can give her with Rachel." Peyton explained getting emotional, she missed Brooke. She also needed Claudia, because she missed Claudia. Peyton and Claudia were finally becoming best friends again. "And I'm not sure she can find her way without you." Peyton smiled down at Claudia.


Nathan was in the hospitals chapel, he was praying that Claudia and the babies made it alive and well. He was distraught and an emotional wreck.

"I know I did a horrible thing, okay?" Nathan cried as he looked up. "But I deserve to be punished for that, not Claudia. She's a good person, and she'd be a great mother if..." Nathan began to say but it was too much for him. "Look I know it must suck how people are always asking for things and never giving anything back. And I know that Keith saved me at that bridge. But Claudia saved me long before the accident. There has to be a miracle left for her." Nathan explained. "Please. Please don't take her from me. Don't take our children from her." Nathan begged desperately before he leaned down and cried. Peyton entered the chapel in a rush.

"Nathan." Peyton said frantically and Nathan turned around to face Peyton worried.


Claudia was awake and she was lying in her bed. Nathan walked into the room tearful. 

"Hi hotshot." Claudia smiled weakly as she looked at her husband. She was so happy to see him, but she was worried about the babies. They hadn't been told if the babies had survived.

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