Poem 5 The first heartbreak

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The first but not the last,
Our love was strong as our love was the worst,

As you thought of yourself first,
I was silly but realized I was just a ghost,
We were developing but soon found it gross,
Because all you ever thought was lust,
Even imagining her in your mind made me feel you're full of thirst,
My tears would burst,
And that'd would be enough for me to say no to my trust.

I was broken,
And began to have weaken,
I would had eaten,
But turns out my brain was beaten,
Everything should have cheapen,
I should have seen those lies that were hidden,
As the truth deepen,
The pain would appear often,
And me being crazy was open.

A month wasn't enough,
And I wasn't that tough,

I loved you so hard that I threw your stuff,
I just wanted to feel something hard and rough,
I cried so hard that I didn't notice that I would cough,
At that time I wished I would laugh,
Haha what a bluff.

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