The lady cop

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Caitlyn's POV:

the same day(morning), Wednesday 11:30am

"That was good Mr. Williamson, thank you" Edwin says as he sits mine and his plate in the sink, he walks back over to where I'm siting at the table and sits next to me. "No problem, and we've been through this many times Ed, you can call me Chris" my dad chuckles as he also sits his plate in the sink. The boy has been told many times what he can and cannot call my dad, but he still calls him Mr.Williamson. My dad doesn't mind it, but he's known Edwin his whole 17 years of life, so he feels Ed should be comfortable calling him by his first name, he's just a really nice guy.

"So I'll let you guys talk, now. I'm going to take Lilly for a little walk, then i have to go into work at 2. But i will see you guys before i have to go in" my dad says as he rushes to find our dogs leash, he pretty much hides it from himself every time he walks her, "it's in the laundry room dad" i shout from the kitchen, i see him run from his room to the laundry room. "Thanks" he shouts back. I laugh a little as he gets Lilly and continues to walk out to the door. "Wait dad.." i stop him as he's walking out the door, he gives me the "come on" look. "Do you know why mom hasn't been answering my calls, i was supposed to go over there today?" I ask with a confused expression on my face. "She went into work last minute, you know how your mom is, she'll call you 10,000 times and not leave one voicemail or a text" he lets out a loud laugh as he reaches for the house keys. "See you guys later" he says as he shuts the door behind him.

"Your dad is funny" Edwin says shaking his head and laughing. "What do you have to tell me Edwin" i say not listening to what he previously said. "Jeez, ready?" He asks with a huge smile plastered on his face, i smile because i haven't seen him this happy in a really long time. "Some guy called me today asking me to go to LA, he said he works for some guy, who works for some guy, who works for Simon Cowell!! Simon fucking Cowell Caitlyn!!!!!" he says with an even bigger smile on his face. By this time he's practically standing with his hands on my shoulders. I laugh at his actions. "That's amazing eddy I'm so proud of you! What is it for? When do you leave?" I ask excited for his new opportunity. "They want me to audition for this group i guess, and i leave Friday, if this all works out, i won't be coming back to school for the second semester" he says with a smaller smile he seems so happy, I'm happy for him, but i won't be seeing my bestfriend anymore.

"Caitlyn?" He says placing one hand on my knee and leaning in a little closer, "you ok?" He asks. "I really hope it all works out Ed, I'm really happy for you" i say with a smile on my face. I am really really happy for him.

"But there's more" he says standing up and walking over to his fanny pack that he hung on the coat rack when he got here. He pulls out 3 long pieces of paper. "Hay tres boletos de avión" (There's three plane tickets) he says holding the tickets in my face. "So you're taking your mom and dad" he frowns in disappointment hoping I'd catch on the first time. "NO CAITLYN, IM TAKING TÚ Y MI MADRE" (You and my Mother) He says with the biggest smile ever.

Before i could say anything he sits down and brings me into a big hug. "I want you to go wherever i go" i shed a tear as i rap my arms around his neck. "You're the greatest Edwin, i love you so much for this, thank you" i say in-between sniffs. "I want to help you further your career as a Photographer and a Stylist, i feel like LA could be perfect for you too" he says rubbing my back "so don't thank me, we're in this together no matter what. And i love you too" he says pulling away and placing his hand back on my knee. "Wait.. i still have to ask my-".. "Nope, we talked to them last night, they're ok with it" he cuts me off before i could even say what i was going to say. "I'm so excited" i say jumping up and down in my seat.

"We should go celebrate, let's go for ice cream" he suggested. I obviously agreed, i grabbed my car keys and we bolted off to my car.

"Cold stone, or BR" i ask as we come up on many options of places, but Cold stone is our all time favorite, so i already know the answer. "Cold stone duh" he says as he laughs at my stupid question.

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