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"Tanner? I think I want to go for a walk." you yelled up the stairs to your husband, who was working on some weird products.

"Okay, love! But don't go to far, we have a few guests coming later!" he hummed down the stairs and got back to work. As you slipped on your running shoes and put your jacket on, you took a deep breath and exhaled sharply.

Running out of the house, you dissapeared into the busy streets of the city. You supposed it was okay but you liked the tropics better. Sighing as you tied your running shoes, you jumped up and ran, as you ran around the park, you looked down on the ground.

"Man, this is worse than I thought." you puffed as a white haired boy ran into you. He spun around and apologized as you stumbled to the ground, blushing madly and pulling you up.

"Oh, god I'm sorry, I'm just trying to catch up with my girlfriend, she's kinda really pumped about running. Sorry, have to go! Bye!" he jumped up and ran. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. Turning back onto your route, you bumped into someone and fell, before you could hit the ground, Tanner. He did not express a happy or pleasant aura around you. In fact, he looked rather mad, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squinting at your small frame.

"Who was he?" he spat angrily.

"I don't know, just some random human that apologized for running into me! We both weren't paying attention and ended up-"

Tanner had somehow pulled you to the house and set you down on the couch. His stare fixated on you and he burned right through you.

"Why were you running?" his voice suddenly broke the silence and you eagerly looked up at him, confused.

"I said, WHY WERE YOU RUNNING!" his voice echoed as you flinched, he looked crazed.

"I wanted to stay healthy, and stay out of your hair while you worked! I was going to be home before the guests got here!" his expression softened as he stared at you with a gentle smile.

"Baby, is you wanted that we could have set up a workout room downstairs." he strolled over towards your figure and needled down besides you, caressing your cheek. He gently kissed you before hugging you to his chest.

"You will never need to be out of my hair, ever. I married you for a reason, sweetie." he said whilst hugging you to the point of not breathing. This made you question his sanity just a little bit.


Working out was hard. Especially if you were extremely out of shape and had nothing better to do that eat chocolate that your girlfriend buys you. Oko took a deep breath and began to run again. He wanted to stay fit, maybe even get a little stronger, so the you would think he's more attractive. He knows that you like a more masculine build so, he tried to workout. Everyday after school, he would for for a run around the lake behind the school.

One day, his suspicious girlfriend caught him. He was wearing workout shorts and a T-shirt. He quietly looked at the ground, not making eye contact.
"Oko, you've been running without me? I have been thinking about going on a workout schedule myself, just to stay healthy. And maybe start a diet. I hear that a certain diet clears your head and makes you happier. Ya, lets go on a diet together!" you jumped up and down, and Oko sighed.

"N/n, I don't think you need to be happier." he sighed as she tied her shoes, getting ready to pounce.

"Hang on," she said, "why are you running?"

"W-well..." he thought of what to say, "I was running to get a more muscular body figure." at this y/n walked up and flicked his nose.

"Dweeb! You have to lift weights for that! Although, running isn't that bad." you said with an eyes shut smile. "READY SET GO!" you suddenly yelled before pouncing off around the lake.

"What is with her?" Oko smiled before running after you.


You never realized that the company had a small gym on the huge breakfloor. You never realized that on his breaks, Petros would go down there and run on the treadmill after work hours before he went home. As you saw him running, you blushed and grabbed the file of papers you came here for. There was a beep coming from the treadmill and Petros got off. You didn't see this because you were looking for the file, but he had approached you without figuring out who it was.

"Work hours are over, kid." he said in a huff. You were shocked and spun around to look up. There he was in all his glory. Shirtless and glistening with sweat. The blush on both party's faces could be combined to make a crimson paint.

"P-Petros, I-I was j-just trying t-to find my paperwork." it was the worst stutter fest in the world.

"Your very sexy- SWEATY! Sweaty, your are very, I said sweaty? Right?"

"S-shut up and get your paperwork and go h-home!" he stammered out. And in the awkward silence that followed, a voice in the distance started to sing kiss the girl.

"Damn, need to fix those air ducks to be quieter." sighed Petros as he started to walk away.

You tapped his shoulder before kissing him. And then you left, without the files.


I know I only did half, but the others will get a different one soon. I have been struck with a severe case of writers block and had a hard time choking this one out. Sorry, I'll split it up onto two chapters with half of the characters so it seems less of a wait, though.
Again, sorry,


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