#84- Your Brother's Protective

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Adam: You and your brother have always had a good relationship but when it comes to you dating, he goes a little over-board. The second he heard you were dating a famous person, he knew it would be easy to track him down. As you walked into Adam's flat to head for lunch, you heard a familiar voice. "Dude, what are you doing here?" You asked your brother. "Well considering, you haven't introduced us, I thought I'd take it upon myself to-" "Stop. This is my relationship, I will do things the way I want. Get out." You said annoyed at what your brother was doing. He left with no words but Adam spoke up afterwards. "He's just being protective." "I know, but I'm not a little girl anymore." You said walking away.

Andy: When you told your family about Andy, your brother freaked out. "Why don't you go for a normal person!? You see how hard it is to date a famous person!" "Bro, this is my choice. Yeah, it might be hard but he's worth it. I really like him." Even though you pleaded your case with your brother, he still wasn't convinced that Andy actually cared about you

Joel: No matter what you said, your brother wouldn't change his mind. He was going to meet with Joel whether you liked it or not. "I'm Joel, it's nice to meet you." Joel said as he shook your brother's hand. "Listen up, she's my baby sister and I've seen her at her best but I've also seen her at her worst. I'd prefer if she never went back into that state but if she does and I find out it's because of you, I'll kill you with my bare hands." Your brother said with a straight face.

Ryan: When you were first brought up in an interview because of your relationship with Ryan, your brother became very protective. "I just hate seeing you getting hate because of who you're dating. And he's not exactly doing anything about it." "What do you want him to do? He can't just say 'Stop.' because it's not going to work. I can handle it okay? Don't worry." You said to your brother before heading out.

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