Snap back to reality

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Alice's POV
I woke up with a start.
I looked down at my hands the scars old and a bit faded.
Oh thank God, it was just a dr- no nightmare.
I'm not at that Hell hole anymore and I never will be.
I sighed in relief.
I searched my half infected brain trying to remember where I was, from what I could see I was in an abandoned house.
Must have taken shelter here when the storm hit.
I got up dragging my torn blanket with me.
I headed to what was left of the kitchen, looking to see if there was any food or if I would have to go hunting again.
Hunting would usually mean finding some small animal and eating it, raw, of course, as she was half infected she could eat meat raw and not get sick.
Sometimes, depending if she found what first, she would find survivors, her infected instincts would kick in and she would end up killing and feasting on their flesh.
(I am trash, thank you.)
I checked the cabinets, seeing nothing, I knew I would have to go hunting today.
I sighed and started to pack the very few things you had into a small bag then headed out.

Sorry I've been busy, so I had to work on it bit by bit.
But I finally got it done!
Your author.

The Hunter X My Oc {Alice The Infected Hybrid}Where stories live. Discover now