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*Sierra's POV*

My brother woke me up this gorgeous Sunday morning and to tell me he was going to help Dad with some errands. It was only me and Vanessa at the house, since we had nothing to do today. I just need to finish up my last two commissions and print them off. I promised my customers I'd send pictures today.

Vanessa stayed in her room all morning and didn't bother me, this was new. I felt like I had the house to myself. I had an unread text from my ex-boyfriend but ignored it since I was drawing.

Working on commissons all day was exhausting. I love to draw, but it's not as fun as drawing whatever you want. I saved the finished results on my tablet and got dressed to go get them printed.

 I saved the finished results on my tablet and got dressed to go get them printed

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*Sierra's outfit*

I told Vanessa I was leaving, she was in her room complaining about mother nature and periods, so it must be that time of the month. I'll be a good sister for once and come back with some icecream. I went to the garage where my car was parked and left the house.

I got the commissions printed in cardstock with covers on them and everything, I'm satisfied with the results but my opinion doesn't matter... I hope the buyers like them. I already sent the digital copy, now I need to ship them off. I was sitting in my car waiting for the light to change when Damian texted me.

Lil Bro💙💤: D'Angelo Russell is having a meet and greet and I'm helping set it up. Wanna come?

Me: Suree I can't stay long though. Gotta have something printed by 3.

Lil Bro💙💤: Ight. Here's the address.

I decided I'd go to check on him and Dad, it'd be fun to take a picture or get a shirt signed.

I made it to the Nike store they were having the meet and greet at, and through the window I saw Damian sitting at a table with Dad. The line was extremely long and I had no way to get inside.

Lil Bro💙💤: Tell the security Percy sent you. You're his child lol

I saw officers everywhere so I spoke to the nearest one.

"Excuse me, I'm Sierra. Percy's daughter. He sent me here but I can't get past this line."

"ID?" The police officer asked, looking suspicious. I showed him my ID in my wallet and he nodded, gesturing me to follow him. He brought me inside through another entrance and locked it behind me.

patience - d'angelo russellWhere stories live. Discover now