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         It was him!
         The guy from the bar. The guy of my dreams, literally. This guy haunted my dreams last night and now he's sitting right here, within reach.
         I swear I saw a look of surprise flash across his face, surprise and recognition, but he regained his composure so quick that I might've imagined it. My feet was glued to the floor as I stared at him from afar, gaping at him. I know I looked stupid but his head was down in his paperwork again so hopefully he couldn't see me.
         "Do you want to sit, because I can guarantee that my chairs are more comfortable than your feet, Ms. Smoak." he said without looking up. Damn that paperwork better be important, I scold inwardly. I walked stubbornly over to one of his overly stuffed white chairs and sat down with my arms crossed over my chest and glared at him until he met my stare with one of his own. I don't know why I was being this stubborn, especially at an interview, but this guy--Mr. Whyte--was paying me no attention.
           He looked back down at the paper, signed his signature, pulled the top drawer of his desk out, put the paperwork in the drawer, and turned his attention on me.
          "Sorry for the wait, Ms. Smoak, this contract is very....delicate and time-consuming. I hope you understand that." he says sweetly, eyes gleaming in the light. His mood lightening which made my mood shift. I uncrossed my arms and sat up straight, my eyes alert and attentive.
         "No, it's ok. I just want to have as much time as your other interviewees."
          "You mean enough time to dazzle me so I can hire you?" It wasn't a question, it was an accusation.
          I swallowed hard and met his gaze straight on as if I were challenging him as I said, "No, I have no interest in 'dazzling' you. I just believe in fairness."
          "Hmmm." he said as if he were drinking in my answer, but it looked more like he was amused by my answer. I scowled inwardly. I've never scowled this much before, something about this place is just so unsettling.
          "So, Ms. Smoak--"
           "Shaunté," I blurt out instantly. I never really liked Ms. Smoak, it just sounds so...formal. I know this interview is formal, but I just can't help it. "My name is Shaunté and my friends call me Tae." I say boldly to make it seem like I didn't blurt out even though I did. He looks taken aback, surprised, like no one's ever done that before. And I'm sure no one has, I scold myself.
          "Well, I'd prefer to call you Ms. Smoak, if that's ok with you." I gave a small nod.
        "Ok then, let's get started. Ms. Smoak, what made you interested in this job?"


           "My manager rounded  everyone in my job up and told us about the internship." she said calmly.
          "And where do you work?" I ask studying her face. It's even more beautiful than when I first saw her in the club. She is a beautiful caramel color and her eyes are so much prettier up close and in the light. She have like five freckles; one on her left eye lid, one under her right eye, one on the left side of her cheek and one on her right cheekbone and one on her lower right cheek. She is absolutely stunning.
        "I currently work at Hope's." she answers. Wow, I thought to myself, even if she wasn't interning here, I would still be her boss, well I still AM her boss. Well technically, the boss's boss of her boss's boss. She still works for me either way.
          "So you work at one of my companies?" I inquired, amused by the idea.
          She nods, "Well technically, I work at one of your dad's companies, but seeing as you're the head of this company now... I work for you."
         "No." I say.
         "No?" she says looking quizzical.
         "No." I repeat.
         "Can you clarify, sir?" she asks politely still confused.
         "You didn't work for my dad, I own Hope's among many other companies around the world. I built Hope's, everything in Hope's is mines! Hope's is my company, my dad just sponsored it. This building we're sitting in sponsors the store I created. So whether if I was in this building or in my office, you would still work for me." I finish keeping a stern look on my face.
            "Oh," she says quietly. She obviously haven't done any research on the place she works at. I sighed. She looks absolutely embarrassed with her head down focusing on her hands that are in her lap, her face bright red, which made her look cute but in an adorable way.
          "So, the bar, do you go there often?" I say, getting to the real questions that I want to get to.
           "What?" she looks up at me, the look of embarrassment completely wiped away from her features.
         "The bar, from last night," I say slowly, recollecting the memory of seeing her laughing hard and knowing I want her. I want her. Seeing her sitting her now, with that memory in my head and the desire I have for her, is going to make the rest of this interview very difficult. "Do you go there often or was it a one time thing?" I ask again.
       She scowls at me for what feels like the fiftieth time. I know this look well, she doesn't want me prying into her life. When I first became a submissive, I used to ask a lot of questions and it seemed like my dominant's face was set into a scowl; for the first few months, that was the only expression I saw on her face, though she was trying as hard as she could, it was her first time experiencing an inexperienced submissive. This look on Ms. Smoak's face shows me that she has the potential to be an excellent dominant. This look is also sexy on her. I smirk.
         Her expression changes as she sees my smirk. I hide my smirk quickly but her expression already softens. Dammit!
           "No, I don't go there often." she answers. She licks her lips and I feel apart of me harden a little. Holy fuck! I didn't know something so simple could have that kind of effect on me. "That was actually the first time I went there."
        "What was the occasion?" I'm mildly curious. She licks her lips again. Damn, at the rate this going, I'm not even going to be able to walk her out.
        "My roommate got a promotion at her job and she wanted to celebrate."
        "You're talking about the drunk blonde that you were following?" She licks her lips. God Damn! Before she can answer, Ashley comes in, "Your 11 o'clock is here."

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