The Day

14 4 1

"Mom!  Daddy!  I'm home, now come and make me a snack. " Kelsy walks up to me and looks at me with tears in her eyes.
"They're gone. "
"What? "
"They. Are. Gone. "
"What are you talking about? "
Not possible I think. Then I realize what Kelsy just said.  "Hey! " I growls.  " YOU don't get to talk to ME like that.
"Well what are you gonna do? " Kelsy crossed her arms.  "Tell mom and dad?  Oh wait,  ya can't because someone took em'!! " 
"Took them? " I asked,  confused.  "Well who the hell was it?" Kelsy shrugged her shoulders.  "But...... " Kelsy grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen. 
There were deep claw marks and blood on the floor. Looks like they didn't go down easy, I thought.
I looked at Kelsy and blinked. "Did- did you get a glance of him? " she asked,  scared. Kelsy nodded.  "He kinda looked like a... " I rolled my eyes.  "A what? "
"A black Panther. "

To Find a Black Pantherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें