What an odd name for a perfume.

"Nightmarae." My co-workers repeated with less interest. And me? I didn't participate cause what do they think about us? Freaking kindergartens?

"Do you want this meeting to finish early?" The speaker threatened.

My co-workers mumbled a faint 'yes' and a sigh afterwards. I just remained silent cause I honestly wanted this meeting to finish early and not listen to this slightly rude speaker.

"Thought so. Now say it with me..." the speaker trailed off.


I won't cause I don't want to.


Still not repeating it.


I mean, how many times are they supposed to say this word?


And now they're shouting.


Dude, just stop this freaking nonsense!


What the-

I started to cover my ears from the loudness of the noise they were creating. I swear, my ears seemed like they were about to disconnect from my head and fall to the ground.

My tightly closed eyes eased once the loud noise died down. I slowly removed my hand from my now red ears.

As I opened my eyes, darkness surrounded me. Pitch black. Nothing but black.

My heart raced with fear and confusion. I couldn't determine if I was dreaming or not. Am I dreaming? Am I blinded by the sudden noise or did I just pass out from the same noise that just took place?

I literally don't know. I wanted to be out of this vauge place. Maybe I should just feel around for something like blind people do. Using my 5 senses would be a great help.

Carefully lifting my arms in front of me, I started to walk slowly while making sure I wouldn't trip or bump into any object. I don't take chances.

As I continued to walk around the threshold, I felt something on the tip of my hands. A sticky fabric-like object that seemed like it was sewed into a human being with an enormous blood clattering face with lots of- just kidding!

I honestly did feel something, but not this severe. The only sense that I used is touch. I couldn't really determine whether that object is sewed into something or not. The only thing I felt is a sticky object.

I immediately removed my hand from the contact. It was cold. Everyone knows that I hate cold objects, except beverages of course.

I slowly backed up and tried to go the other way. But something grabbed my wrist. I'm not exactly sure, but I'm assuming this 'object' in front of me was the one who grabbed my wrist. I mean, it couldn't be anything else... or anyone else. I froze.

Is someone here with me?

Maybe this thing in front of me can help me get out of this place.

Just then, I suddenly remembered that I had a flashlight app on my phone. I hurriedly dug through my pocket using my free hand.

I wonder why I hadn't thought of this before.

Turning the app on, I shone it to the floor. I tilted the flashlight to the position where I then saw a feet standing still.

So someone really is here with me.

But wait... is that blood?

I instantly covered my mouth with my small hand. I don't understand this. Why is this 'thing' in front of me bleeding?

Out of curiosity, I shone the flashlight further above the feet. There were still traces of blood coming down from the skin. My heart felt like jumping out my rib cage right now. But that would mean I'm dead right?

In the midst of raising the flashlight towards the upper part of this thing, I stopped. I can't take it. I surely won't. I'm too scared to do this.

Just then, bright green eyes glowed inches away from me. I believe this creature or whatever it is, is as tall as me.

I just closed my eyes and hoped for this to end. But unfortunately, this creature couldn't keep it's hand to itself.

I can feel my goosebumps raising which made me drop my phone from the uncomfortable feeling.

Great. Now it's dark.

I struggled to find my phone, but thankfully I did. Without thinking, I unconsciously raised my flashlight to the face of the creature.

My eyes grew big, I gasped.

I can't explain what I was feeling right now. It's a mixture of surprise, panic, and fear, but more than that of course.

I shouted.

And shouted.

And shouted until I couldn't take it anymore and fanted.

"So that wraps our meeting, slash introducing new products up! Let's all take a break and then get back to our work." The speaker ended the meeting and my co-workers immediately stood up and began exiting the conference room.

I caressed my face and sighed. Thank goodness it ended. If you're curious to what I'm talking about, it's both the meeting and the 'little nightmare' I just had.

I stood up and went outside the conference room as well, but not before a hand was placed on my shoulder from the back.

I froze. What is it this time?

The hand was removed from my shoulder and I looked around. I noticed that we were the only ones left in the room.

"You okay, Bree?" I recognize the voice as from my co-worker, Karen.

I sighed in relief and said. " Uh yeah."

"Okay, but hurry up okay? Green eyes might come looking for you."

And with that, she exited the conference room leaving me standing there with my mouth agape.

What just happened?

(A/N) What do you think of this book so far? Let me know in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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