I stopped outside of some room and just slid down the wall wiping my tears. That was so awkward and I looked so stupid walking in there like that. I shouldn't be crying, we weren't even dating.

I heard the door swing open. "What the- Hailey? What happened? Whoever it was , I will hurt him!" A voice said I recognized it as Taylor.

He hugged me. "No- it's not a big deal, I'm just a lil bitch,"I barely managed to whisper. "What do you mean?" He looked at me with worried eyes.

"It's Cam. I walked him on him making out with some girl and it was so awkward. Even though we weren't even dating, it still hurts because we both said that we liked each other. How stupid was I to think a guy like him could like a girl like me?" I sniffled and just looked at the wall.

"Don't say that about yourself. Look he wasn't worth it. I know what you mean. And like he even told me that he really liked you, I just don't know what happened. Anyways you deserve a guy who will respect you and treat you like a princess. But he isn't worth your tears, if he likes someone else, then it's good that you walked in on him now instead of if y'all dated later. I am so sorry Hailey," He embraced me in a hug.

I never thought I would see this side of Taylor. He is actually really sweet inside, not just a crazy party guy.

"Aw Taylor that was so sweet, thank you. And I shouldn't be crying over him. You're right, and now that I think about it, I'm here to enjoy myself not some boy. Thanks though for helping me with my dramatic dilemma ."I smiled and wiped my eyes.

"Hey that's the right way to think of it. And to be honest you guys just met so maybe you were rushing things."

"Yea you're right thanks." I smiled.

"No problemo. Want to get lunch with me before MagCon?" He asked. "Yeah let me fix myself and I will meet you back here," I smiled and walked back to my room.

I fixed my makeup and changed out of the Cameron Dallas shirt and into a red, Coca Cola shirt, then walked out.
I walked back to Taylor and he smiled.

We went to the mini restaurant and ordered some food then sat down and ate.

I actually started to notice that I am starting to grow a liking for Taylor. I've always known that we both grew up in Indiana which was cool and once you got to know him he was really down to earth.

We finished our food and headed back to the hotel. Taylor told me that everyone was in Rylee, Mia, and I's room so Cam would most likely be there.

Shit I don't want to talk to him it's going to be so awkward. We got to my room and walked in. I completely ignored Cam the whole time but he kept looking at me.

The blonde chick was also there and there was so much tension, I had to leave.

"I forgot something in my car I will be right back." I walked out of the room and went to my car. I sat in there and just started thinking. I left my thoughts when I heard the door open. All of a sudden Cam sat in the passenger seat.

"What do you want?"I asked. "Are you and Taylor like talking now?" He asked. "Wow cameron is that how you really think of me? Literally right when I find out you don't like me anymore, you think I would go off and throw myself at someone like that?" I glared at him.

He seemed a little hurt and spoke up again,"But I do still like you."

"No you don't." I scoffed.

"Yes I do."

"Then why were you kissing her?"

"I- I was exploring my options." He stuttered.

"Exploring your options?"I gritted my teeth. "And what am I supposed to do when you're exploring? Huh? Am I supposed to wait around while you decide which girl you want to hook up with? I'm just your fucking back up right? The 'side hoe?' Well guess what, I don't want to be your damn backup, and if you can't tell that I really like you then-" I was cut off by his lips attaching to mine.

I was taken back and I kissed for a little and realized what I was doing and stopped.


"I do like you Hailey. I really do. I know it was stupid of me to go off and kiss Regina but I wanted to make sure that even when I kissed her, that I would still think of you and that kiss that we just had.. Wow I really do like you Hailey."

"Cameron, I don't know.. Kinda sounds like bullshit. You can't just go around kissing other girls because you want to make sure you like me. If that's how you determine your feelings then it's obvious you don't actually like me. And if you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you ." I sighed.

"Please Hailey. We can make us work. Please. Give me another chance please." He begged.


"Please Hailey. One more chance." He grabbed both of my hands with his.

I looked down at our hands and he pulled away quickly and muttered a 'sorry.'

"I promise I won't let you down. Do you think we can give us another try?"

"I thought we were taking things slow?" I said confused.

"Screw that. Please Hailey, you're the only one I want to be with, I promise." He smiled.

"Okay, okay, yes." I smiled back. The biggest smile appeared on his face.

"Let me take you out tomorrow night." He bit his lip and I nodded.

"Remember the promise Cam." 

"Okay, okay." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

What is Taylor going to think? I'm going to have to talk to him after the event today.

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