Chapter 1 : Mister Sullivan

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"Thanks. I'll just check on her." Lucas entered the room, the smell of drugs and antiseptic welcomed him. He's now accustomed to such since her mother started chemotherapy. Looking at her mother's once healthy body, now pale and frail. Her hair starts to fall, and the bald patches in her scalp are very much visible now that she first started her sessions. His mother Lelani was diagnosed with a terminal stage of NHL lymphoma, to say that the diagnosis was devastating was an understatement. But Lucas and Levi need to be strong beside their mother, after all, she only had them and they only got her.

Lucas stepped closer to the hospital bed, not to close and not too far from his mother's side. "Hey Mom, cycle three is off the to-do list. Way to go, mom." Lucas said in a hushed tone, not wanting his sleeping mother to be disturbed.

"Why do you hate the woman?" Fray, Lucas' college buddy asked as he dribbles the soccer ball on his feet. Fray then passed the ball to Lucas and dribbled it.

"Hate is a strong word." Lucas then passed the ball to his younger brother, Levi. "Isn't she the ideal girl way back?" Levi teased as he passed the ball back to Fray.

Fray stopped dribbling and got the ball in his hands. "Seriously?"

Lucas couldn't help but roll his eyes as take a seat on the grass. "It's not like that! Come on!"

It's Saturday day morning, it's a weekly activity that Lucas will always look forward to. The rented apartment where Lucas lived was a couple of blocks away from the field. His mother would often come to the city to stay with him since she started her chemotherapy. Fray is not from the area and comes around during weekends if he's not busy with his work and his own family. Levi on the other hand often stays overnight to take care of their mother or got time off from his part-time job.

Lucas played soccer during high school but wasn't good enough to get a full scholarship for college. They play soccer or hoops in the nearby field around their neighborhood. The field consists of the soccer field and basketball courts, enough to entertain the minority of sporty individuals around the block. "I never harbor such ill grudge about the lady, just to be clear. I'm lucky enough she gave me a job."

Fray tapped his shoulder as he sat opposed Lucas. "Dude, you gotta admit that the woman is hot."

"Fray you're married you shouldn't say things like that," Levi said. Fray put his hands above for surrender.

Lucas did not reply but couldn't deny that fact, Thorin Montréal was beyond the term hot. She's gorgeous with that piercing green eyes, silky smooth hair, model-like body, curves in the right places, evenly enhanced as the years passed by. Gone was the beautiful, tall and skinny Thorin in high school. Back then, she was the ideal girl of testosterone-filled high school boys; excluding Lucas though. Lucas never paid attention to anyone, anti-social? Not really, he doesn't have the time to mingle or be at a party with a bunch of snotty and immature kids. He never did even had a friend way back, acquaintance maybe such as his former soccer teammates.

"She's one of GQ's Top Bachelorette." Levi intervened as he read and scrolled down something on his phone. "Stop googling her." Lucas tried to snatch his brother's phone but failed.

"We, You need to know her.," Levi replied as he scrolled down. "Or you can ask her yourself." Again, his teasing brother said as he guffawed.

"She has a vast collection of men." Lucas cringed as Levi read out loud the details. Lucas has a low tolerance when it comes to gossiping and rumors but something is telling him to listen. "Movie stars, actors, businessmen.."

Fray snickered. "That boss of yours is notorious! Careful Lucas."

"Well for starters, Lucas is neither one of those." Lucas thought so too and he couldn't agree more to his younger brother.

Lucas and Levi headed towards the oncology department, oncology assigned nurses greeted them as they passed by. Who wouldn't notice the two fine species of a male specimen? Their 6 foot plus built towering almost all the bystanders. Their soft olive skin, glistening. A pair of manly eyebrows and an amber pair of orbs that would take you to an abysmal rendezvous when you stare at them.

Others even mistook them as twins, Lucas and Levi's differences, is that Lucas has perfectly formed a chiseled face with his eyeglasses that made him more stern and serious looking. Levi has a softer version that makes him appear more friendly and jolly.

These genetic features were passed down by their Italian father who left them to marry another woman and start a new. His father left and cut all his ties with them, never looking back. Lucas despises the man so much so that he hated himself for having the exact copy of his genes encrypted on his physical features.

Levi opened the door first and Lucas entered after. "Hello mother, how are you feeling today?"


Lucas took a seat beside the hospital bed. Glancing at his mother's frail figure, Lelani beamed a smile at his two sons. "Heard you were here yesterday Lucas."

Lucas nodded, "I got the job."

"I knew you would. How was the interview?" His mother croaked. Lucas observed Levi as he paced back and forth collecting their mother's belonging.

"Fine." He sighed. His mother seemed unconvinced at his reply but decided not to dig deeper. "Do you hate the job?"

Lucas was about to open his mouth and reply when Levi cut him off. "How could he mom? His lady boss was hot."

"I do not like the adjective hot when it comes to woman Levi." Their mother warned them as she slowly adjusted herself, Lucas stands up and helped his mother. "Sorry, mom."

Tina, the assigned nurse came in a few moments later breaking the chatter among three. "How are you feeling Lelani?" Tina checked their mother's vitals, prescription medicines. Discussed the doctor's advisories and checkup schedules.

"Okay, you're good to go." Lucas and Levi were beside their mother, offering each arm as their mother clung too. They walk leisurely, careful not to overstrain their frail mother.

The three arrived in their apartment, their mother refuses to be in bed at this early hour proceeding directly in their mini living room. Levi, help his mother as she seated in the reclining chair placing a comforter on top of her.

Lucas trudged directly to the refrigerator for leftovers and ingredients for him to cook. But the refrigerator is almost empty, they forgot to restock the fridge. He made a mental note for grocery shopping tomorrow. "Pizza for dinner?"

"Pizza it is." Levi immediately dialed the local pizza delivery service and stated their favorites. The three Sullivans waited quietly in their living room.

"Lucas, I'm worried about you my boy." Lelani started the conversation. Lucas craned his neck, he wanted to ask his mom if she's serious but decided against it. He takes off his red flannel long sleeve and seated himself on the sofa facing his mother. "Please don't, mom. I have a job, and I have my savings. I can assure you I can take care of you and Levi."

His mother smiled as she shakes her head. "Do you want me to set up a blind date for you dear?"

"No mother!" Levi guffawed at his outburst. There she goes again, why must all mother want to play matchmaker to their children? "Mom, I have a new job, in a new company. That's my main focus for now and of course you."

Levi whispered something to their mother, Lucas could see the glint in his mother's eyes which caused him to doubt. Two against one huh? Lucas thought to himself. "I believe this would be your first time assisting a lady. Anyway, you must take care of your lady boss dear."

"I intend to mother. That's practically my job description." Lucas replied sarcastically. "And keep your hands to yourself." Levi chortled, Lucas, throw a pillow directly at his face.

No problem with that, Lucas thought.

And his body proved that. Man, he will have a hard time controlling his hunger when his body instinctively reacts when he sees his lady boss.

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