Chapter 6.

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Joshua P.O.V

As we heard the knock on the door we just looked at each other with cum all over us. I jumped up and grabbed my clothes and started putting them on and wiping my self with the white t-shirt. They all Started doing the same. As I'm panicking and my head was clouded after the HOT SEX we shared together.


This time it was even Louder. Once I Saw Everyone Was Presentable I Opened The Door And It Was James.

"Hey I'm sorry if i'm interrupting something but Mr. Shawn and Min. Joshi I needs you guys Samuel wont stop crying." He said.

"Okay were coming" I said.

He walked off and i looked back at the guys and they was acting like they was doing something on the sound booth. I smirked.

I motioned Shawn to come with me up stairs. As we walking up stairs he followed behind me close grabbing my ass & being childish. I giggled a little but I kept pushing his hands away. Once we reached the dinning room I Seen Sam crying by the wall . I knew this had to be about earlier.

Hey Sam what's Wrong big guy why are you crying ? I asked.


"Because I'm afraid that you guys are gonna tell my parents that me and James was kissing." He said.

We are not going to tell you parents I stated. Even though we should inform them that this happen within our care , we're not going to do that because we have all been there before. ( While I said that I Kinda began to think about my action that took place earlier). We dont want to see you get in trouble but we have to know right for right & wrong is wrong.
(Sounding like my parents.)

He responded yessir and went back to bed. I walked back down stairs and the guys was just watching t.v and play the game on another T.V . I went and grabbed blankets and laid them on the couch 🛋. As I'm getting their pillows and blankets together I began to go into a DEEP thought. How could I tell someone else about doing right & wrong and I'm sitting here doing the same thing just in secret. I never want to be hypocritical because I hold people accountable for going against their word. But can you blame me in the predicament that I am in or should I go with my moral values and forget it all. This would be the time you get on your knees and ask God for strength. Ask God for forgiveness  & clarity. After feeling so sad and so sorry for myself I just ignore the thoughts all together.

I sat all their thing on the pool table and let them know I was going to be. Before anyone could say anything or mumble a word I rushed through my statement & went up the stairs to my room. I didn't want to give them the time or space to say anything I had a lot to think on my fucking mind. There is a lot at stake for me and I don't want to pull in everything God has given me in ministry away from me or my parents. Nowadays you see the church kids acting up and acting like fools for being a part of the world and their parents get bashed on Facebook, Twitter, & Snapchat for
being bad parents.

But there's one thing About my parents they raise the hell out of a good man. To have value about myself and confidence. They also allowed me to have a personal relationship with God. They taught me how to call upon the lord when I was worry. After this situation I don't know where I fall into. God I Need
Your Help.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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