Seven - You Like Her

Start from the beginning

"What was up with you two in there?" Diggle asked, a smirk on his face. "What do you mean?" Oliver asked. "You just kept grinning and staring at her, I think you like her." Oliver's eyes widened. "Of course I like her, she's a good friend." Diggle raised an eyebrow at him. "What? I'm telling the truth." Oliver lied, he did like Felicity, a lot more than a friend. "Man, you are a horrible liar." Diggle said, shaking his head. "Let it go Diggle." Oliver hissed. Diggle chuckled. "Never." Oliver sighed. "I'm going home, look after her." And with saying that he walked back down the hall. He shot a look towards the receptionist guy and he immediately started working again. Oliver stuck his hand in between the doors of the elevator. He stepped inside and pressed the button for the ground floor. He stood in silence.

Suddenly he felt a warm hand against his chest, pushing him against a wall in the elevator. The elevator stopped moving. Oliver looked down to see what was going on. "I finally have you to myself." The woman in front of him said, attempting to be seductive. It wasn't working. "Do I know you?" She giggled annoyingly and shook her head. "I saw you on TV and just had to have you." She said, walking her fingers up his chest and up to his chin. "And I know that little Felicity chick lives with you and I hate her, so I thought this would make her really angry." She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. Oliver felt pure anger rush through him. "You can forget this, it never would have happened anyway-" He pressed a button and the elevator started moving again. "And anyone who insults Felicity is a huge idiot in my mind." The woman looked shocked. She buttoned up her shirt, covering the fake tan all over her body. She fixed her dyed black hair and stepped out of the elevator. "You have no idea what you're missing out on." She said before storming off.

Oliver let out a deep breath. That wasn't weird for the old him, but it was for the new him. Women used to throw themselves at him and he would gladly accept their company. He wasn't like that anymore, but the public and the media seemed to think he hadn't changed. He was still angry about that woman. He wished he hadn't been like he was. He wished he hadn't screwed up peoples lives before he left. But he was going to help them now, he was a different man.

Oliver called Walter Steele, CEO of QC and a good friend of his family and asked for the rights to the Applied Sciences building. Walter agreed and told him he could sign the papers whenever he wanted. Oliver drove home and went to the maintenance shed outside the house. He grabbed a bunch of tools and put them in the backseat of his car. He drove to the location for his club.

Oliver then ran to the hardware store just around the corner. He bought a heap of stuff like, metal, wood, welding tools, nails and a heap more. He rented a truck to transport all the stuff to the building. It took multiple trips to get everything there.

Oliver quickly got to work, smashing walls and making more room in the basement. It was a pretty large basement with a high ceiling. Part of his army training included being able to use complicated tools to make different things, so making things was fairly easy for Oliver. He welded small pieces of metal securely to extremely long pieces to create a salmon ladder. He welded a base and stood it up, using all his strength. He welded it to the ground and then climbed the small sections. He used other small pieces of metal to weld it to the roof. After that he made various dummies and set up a space full of metal rods, to practice his speed and seeing that his enemy could be anywhere. He hung a large, thick rope from the ceiling. He used the extremely long pieces of metal and welded each end to a wall. He then welded metal bars in between the long pieces, creating monkeys bars.

Oliver still had to get computers, tables, chairs, medical supplies and a lot more, but after hours of welding and hammering he decided to leave it for another day. He pulled out his phone and the business card he took from Big Belly Burger about a construction company. He had a picture in his mind of what he wanted the club to look like, but he needed to draw it before the builders got there. So he quickly did a rough sketch on a notepad of what he wanted the club to look like. He called the construction company.

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