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xanxiety, tanamongeau and 110,786 others

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xanxiety, tanamongeau and 110,786 others

I took this on the way here but Fiji we are in you!! 😎 If you see us stop us we love y'all

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Third Person

The flight was successful of course, Diego worried the whole time that his baby was in harms way. Of course flying is a scary thing but they've all gotten used to it, but Diego for some reason was worried that if something ever bad did happen with a plane that Anastasia would somehow be on there and would be hurt. That's just overprotective Diego coming out, he loves her more than anything other than his mother and he would hate for her to ever be harmed, or in the place of possibly being harmed.

Diego hands each of them a paper as they step into the airport, finding their way to the exit doors. He stops them all before they get to the exit and they get in a group.

"We're gonna be here for a little more than a week. I've tried to plan a couple things but there's days where we can do whatever the fuck we want. Exhibit A, today we can go to the pad and crash and do whatever. Tomorrow early in the AM, we're gonna make our way to this tour type thing. Anyways you'll see, and I also rented us cars for the trip." Diego winks, digging into his pockets to make sure both pairs of keys were there, one for him and Stas and one for Ethan and Layla.

"What kind of cars?" Layla asks, knowing for sure that Diego is gonna ball out on this trip. They all know this, and they're waiting for Diego to show them some half million dollar cars.

"You'll see in a minute. There's also a MCM bag in the back of each car that has hella weed and some already rolled. Props to me because I love y'all." He said, winking at them once again.

None of them had any idea on when he had the time to do any of this, or how he was able to do any of this but they didn't question him. They've actually all learned to put their trust in him, except Stas but that's for obvious reasons. She's of course working on it though, so is he.

At that, he grabs Anastasia's hand and they make their way out of the airport, all of them searching for the cars that Diego has possibly picked out.

Stas eyes two Corvettes to the left side of the parking lot, but realizes it can't be those when they're walking the opposite way. Stas stops paying attention to those when she spots two 2017 Lamborghini Aventador's in the back right corner of the parking lot. Those are the cars that Diego rented, she's sure of it.

"Diego shut up you did not rent 400,000 dollar cars for a week." She says, hitting his arm lightly. He smiles at her and turns around, throwing Ethan the set of keys to the other one.

Diego and Stas make their way to the royal blue one, and Ethan and Layla make their way to the red/orange one.

"Diego dude I fucking love you." Ethan says, jumping over the door and hopping into the car.

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