"So do you want to go to Skylar or Helena?" Zeke asks, I just shrug, why do people give me choices

"Whats the difference?" I ask and he just smiles

"Let me re-phrase that, do you want to go up or down?" he asks, which one seems safer, if I go up I could end up in space and freeze to death but if I go down I could be turned into ash by lava, which one sounds more fun

"Down, Down, Down, Alex go down, it'll be like sky diving" Andy says, I just laugh and point down, Zeke takes in a deep breathe and grabs my arm, with one flap of his wings we're plumetting down into the volcanoes burning depths of lava, Andy was right, its like sky diving only I might burn to death, but going down is so much more fun, it's like a rollar coaster, we get so close to the lava I can feel it's heat, I close my eyes and wait for the searing pain of my flesh burning and trying to heal itself, Zeke wraps his wings around me and we hit the lava, but it doesn't burn, we land on a smooth surface and Zeke retracts his wings, I open my eyes and I see a smooth stone path, natural rock so it looks like a cave and the ceiling, it's the lava only it's suspended in the air and shows no sign of falling on our heads

"What are you doing here, angels" I hear a very deep demonic voice boom, I retract my wings and my head shoots to the owner if the voice, a demon, I look next to him and see a huge dog with three heads, Cerberus, the guardian of hell, well at least I know that I was right, going down lead to hell

"We're here to see the oracle" Zeke says sounding confident, how is he so confident in front of a three headed dog, I envy him

"Why not go to the oracle in Olympus?"the demon questions, I just shake my head and look at Cerberus who hasn't stopped looking at me, honestly it's taking everything in me not the throw fire or lightning or any of my abilities at it, do you know how creepy it is, three sets of eyes looking at you

"Because she thought it would be more fun to go down instead of up" Zeke replies with amusement dripping from his words, I just can't stop looking at the dog, damn it's huge, bigger then Andy, and it has three heads, no wonder it's the guardian of hell, nobody would want to fight this thing nowadays

"What's your name girl?" The demon asks in a demanding tone I just roll my eyes and scoff

"I can tell you that it's not girl" I say and he narrows his eyes at me and I just poke my tongue out at him and continue to look at Cerberus, it's like if I let my guard down it'll pounce on me and defiantly break some bones, Cerberus growls at me and I accidentally growl back, the demon gives me a confused look and then a shocked one

"You're a hybrid of angel and werewolf" he says still slightly shocked and I just roll my eyes

"And lycan and vampire and let's not forget demon" I say sighing the ands, the demons eyes are as wide as Cerberus's head, he does a hand gesture and Cerberus growls and stalks forward, oh shit, um maybe I can scare Cerberus, ha fat chance, I take in a deep breath and shift into my power Lycan form, it should be obvious what that looks like since I've shifted and described it twice, the demon gasps in shock and fear, I let out a ferocious growl that echoes through hell, Cerberus growls and goes to pounce on me but I easily dodge, one of his heads snaps at me and I grab it's head and end up swinging the whole body into one of the walls, I think I knocked him out because none of his heads are moving, I shift back and look at the shocked demon

"So he wasn't lying, gods, goddess and oracles knew about me and even demons found out, great I'm so out of the loop I don't even know me, how stupid is that" I say to Zeke who just shrugs

"I will take you to the oracle Helena" the demon says bowing while facing me, this shit better not escalate, the demon starts walking off with us following close behind, I can't believe I knocked out Cerberus, that is going on my list of achievemnts, not that I have a hard copy of it, or a list at all but still its something to be proud of, we come to a stop outside a cave opening "She's through there, I can't go any further unless Hades says I can" the demon says bowing again, I just nod and walk in the cave with Zeke at my tail, this will be interesting

Hunted (Sequel to I Am A Warrior) (Discontinued) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now