"But hey, that guy over there keeps looking at you." she pointed her finger to the guys beside him and Jungwoo turned his head. He almost choke when that breathtaking guy is still looking at him. So he quickly look somewhere else.

"He seems not." he wispher before drinking his juice. He want to leave this place quickly. Thanks to that attractive guy, he came back to his senses that he shouldn't be here or else Jaehyun will scold him to death.

After he finished drinking his juice, Jungwoo paid the bartender and leave the place immediately.


"What's wrong with me?" Jungwoo mumbled while walking slowly and caressing his temple. Jungwoo felt dizzy out of sudden so he decide to stop walking for a while because it's making him more dizzy. Is there an alcohol that mixed into the orange juice?

He put his hand on his pocket to get his phone but his pocket is empty.

"Now where's my phone? Did I leave it there? Aish Kim Jungwoo!" he ruffled his hair harshly because of frustration, he don't want to go back there anymore but on the other hand, his phone is really important. His mom will kill him if he lost his phone again, she won't buy Jungwoo any phone anymore if that will happen. (He often lost his phones. This is his fifth phone).

He will go back because it's necesarry but Jungwoo is too dizzy to walk again and he needs help. Jungwoo lean his back to the near wall and closed his eyes. He feels sleepy and hopeless.

"But I need to get my phone back." he mumble.

"Uh, excuse me." someone tapped his shoulder and Jungwoo slowly open his eyes. It's too heavy.

He blinked twice when he saw a figure of male in front of him and he can't be wrong. It's the guy he thought attractive earlier. What is he doing here?

"I think you forgot your phone. The lady gave it to me. She thought maybe I know you." He handed him his phone and now he feel relieve.

"Thank you so much." he mumbled. He can't talk loud anymore.bJungwoo want to express his gratitude toward him for bringing back his phone but he sounds drunk and sleepy. He will look insencere.

"Hey, you okay?" the guy asked with worried voice.

"I think so." he stood up from leaning but almost fall. Jungwoo didn't feel the ground to his body, but a hard masculine body. He lift his gaze to look at it and he found an attractive breathtaking face that he admired earlier.

This guy is indeed fucking handsome. Where did he came from?

For a moment, his mind went crazy as his eyes dropped on the stranger's kissable lip. Maybe this is the effect of an alcohol.

"Ah, I think you're not--"

The said guy couldn't finish on what he is going to say when the other pressed his lip into him. Jungwoo pulled his nape for him to stay close while crashing the stranger's lip and didn't care about his surroundings. The stranger look stupefy and he seems unable to move while this pretty guy is kissing him passionately.

The stranger blinked twice before closing his eyes and respond to the other's kisses, and pulled him closely to close the gap between them by linking his arms around his waist.

The kiss got intense and more passionately, both of the males felt something inflaming inside them and both of their minds went crazy as the kiss goes by. The stranger lick the other's lips to ask for entrance and Jungwoo welcomed him without hesitations, and the stranger's tongue explore inside his mouth. Jungwoo tighten his grip because of the hot sensation he felt. However, Jungwoo slowly pulled himself to the stranger's grip because he's getting out of oxygen but there's still a string of saliva attached between their lips.

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