The Attack

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The hospital was packed with flu patients. It was one of those nasty strains that didn't just bring a fever and aching joints with them, but rather a mean combination of fever, chills, headache, nausea and in some cases also diarrhoea. The medical staff was busy administering medication, changing bedpans and sheets, taking temperatures and dabbing at burning skin with cold compresses.

Stumbling out of the hospital after a long shift, Ella just wanted to sleep. Forgoing a trip to the mess tent since her appetite was all but gone, she waved at Spina – he had returned from the hospital the week before – and headed towards the barracks. A yawn forced her jaws open and she ran her fingers through her hair.

The brunette had just rounded a corner when out of nowhere, a large hand grabbed hold of her wrist and forcefully yanked her around.

"Told ya I'd see you again."

Her stomach dropped and all her tiredness went up in smoke. This could not be happening. Shoving down the inky feeling of terror spreading in her chest, Ella asked flatly: "What do you want, Michaels?"

He eyed her in that particular way that made her skin crawl. "Well, you're a medic... you tend to the men's needs."

The insinuation made her feel sick. Still, she didn't let it show on her face. She wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. "Leave me alone", she said and turned to leave.

He didn't relinquish his hold on her, but rather pulled her closer.

"Let go!", the small medic demanded, struggling.

"I know who you are", he purred like the predator he was. "I know you're just a scared little kid."

Ella fixed him with a blank stare. "Let go of my wrist, Corporal." Her tone could have made boiling water freeze on the spot. Inside, however, she was starting to freak out as the onslaught of memories and deep-seated fear threatened to drown her.

He grinned. "Or what? Are you gonna scream? Like last time?"


The girl didn't deign to reply. She ripped her wrist from his vice grip, kneeing him in the stomach at the same time.

He released her abruptly, cursing viciously. "You little-"

That was all the warning she got before Michaels lunged at her. She ducked and threw a punch, morbid satisfaction cursing through her when it connected with his jaw.

Enraged, he charged again, pure hatred in his eyes. He snatched her wrist once more and forcibly twisted her arm behind her back. Ella cried out. With the pain, instinct took over.

Kicking out backwards, her boot hit his shin, eliciting a yelp. His grasp slackened a little and she managed to turn around. But Michaels hadn't let go completely.

Her right arm still incapacitated, the young brunette turned to more desperate measures.

Putting her entire upper body into the movement, her elbow swiped through the air. Judging by the resounding crack, accompanied by an angry howl, the small medic thought it safe to assume that she had just broken Michaels' nose.

In his pain and fury, he released her, bringing his other hand up and backhanding her hard across the face.

Black stars exploded in the girl's field of vision and she fell to the ground. Michaels' blow had landed right on her still healing bullet graze.

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