Chapter one: The first clue

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My name is Amelia. I'm a 16 year old girl trying to manage her life in Japan. That sounds normal enough now doesn't it? "Amelia sweetie can you go get me some milk from the store downtown, thanks I love you!" Yelled my mom as she walked out the door. I grunted while picking up my purse. I walked down the stair case while holding the rail. Yep, this is my life. I only live with my mother, whom I love deeply, but my father is gone. For some strange reason he just disappeared. The cops never found a trace of evidence and had no leads, therefore they stopped the case and called it the "perfect scheme." But sometimes I sit back and think about my father, and every time I do I grasp onto the beautiful emerald necklace he gave me. Now that I think about it, he gave me the necklace the day before he went missing.

I grabbed my phone off of the light blue table and ran out the door. As I locked the door I couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched. I turned left and right, there was nothing in sight. I shrugged my shoulders and headed down the crowded sidewalk. Once you live here for so long, you get used to it. I walked for about five minutes beforehand phone started buzzing like crazy. "I wonder who's calling me." I said while answering the phone. "Hello?" I spoke in confusion.

"Amelia it's just me, I got a new phone and phone number!" Yelled Rina in and excited tone. "Really, what kind?" I asked while coming close to the store. "The newest kind, just like yours!' yelled Rina confidently. "Sweet that means you can now get the newest apps!" I spoke in a happy tone. "Yep, but I will tell you more about it if you can come over my house today." Said Rina happily. "Ok, I will be over as soon as I drop off the milk." I stated. "Ok, bye." said Rina with less excitement. "Bye." I said as I hung up my phone.

I saw the store across the street and ran in that direction. As I entered the store I was greeted by the welcoming noise of the door. "Ding Dong!" rang the door without echo. An employee looked my way and smiled. I smiled back before heading to the back of the store to pick up the milk. After opening the refrigerator, I pull out my chosen milk. I walk back to the counter and I happen to be the first one there. The employee scans the milk and warps it up afterwards. "45 yen please." says the employee in a respective manner. I had the employee 45 yen and walk off towards home. I unlock the door but I again feel as if I'm being watched. However this time it's from the roof of my house. I look up and see a black feather falling down at me. " It was probably a bird." I say to myself while shrugging my shoulders. I hold the feather in my hand. Now that I focus my eyes, this seems like an angel feather. I look down at the stray feather and laugh.

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