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After getting everything out of the truck and placing it where it belonged, Tori and her mom walked down to the dock and checked out the lake. It was beautiful as usual. The sun was just beginning to go down and the clouds where a beautiful purple with a mixture of burnt orange. Black birds were flying across the sky heading to roost. And a warm breeze blew Tori's long blonde hair into her face, as she listened to the frogs croaking in the distance.

Susan, Tori's mom was a looker, though she never looked. Her red hair was shoulder length, and she was petite with a thin build. Tori on the other hand was a couple inches taller than her mom and took after her dad. She had to constantly watch her weight, and was still trying to lose another 15 pounds. That's one thing Tori loved about Bret. He knew her when she was bigger and liked her enough to ask her out anyway.

After eating dinner, Tori texted Bret and they told each other all about their day. Susan spent her evening reading over something in her notebook she carries around with her wherever she goes. Tori always rolls her eyes when her mother worked in that notebook. It was her, ' just in case' notebook. Tori's dad was a Marine and belived in being ready for anything. He said that he knew things and that Tori needed to just trust him and be ready to act and obey him. So she did. Tori's mom and dad began the notebook soon after they bought the lake house when Tori was seven years old. The notebook is  buldging with its life saving advice.

Over the years Tori's dad and his brother, Ronnie, and Gramps, taught Tori and her mom how to shoot, clean guns, fish, hunt, skin and gut animals, grow food, and other strange things a normal city kid doesn't know. Weekends and even vacations were spent going over self-reliance activities. They bought a canoe and learned how to even do a trot line. Weird stuff.

Ronnie. Tori's stomach does flip flops when she thinks about him. Tori's dad and Ronnie were so close. They relied on each other after their mother died when they were just twelve and thirteen years old. Since their dad worked long hours, they also got into a lot of trouble. Ronnie was sent to a boys home for three years when he was fifteen. After that, her dad said that his brother was different; a bit quieter and less outgoing. Tori's dad went into the Marines as soon as he graduated, and Ronnie became a computer software expert and worked a lot from home.

Ronnie's quiet nature and dark good looks made him appear mysterious and this attracted the ladies. Dad called him a gigolo, because of all the different aged women he brought around. He dated women who were much older than him, but other times he confused everyone by taking girls out that didn't even look eighteen yet. Age didn't seem to matter to him. Tori's dad seemed peeved, at Ronnie a lot and Tori wondered if her dad was just a  little jealous of his younger brothers bachlor lifestyle.  However, in time she figured that her dad knew something wasn't quite right with his brother.

The first time Tori became aware that something was up with her uncle was when she and Ronnie went fishing late one hot August afternoon when Tori was just eleven years old. They had been fishing for about an hour and Ronnie took his shirt off and tossed it at Tori and suggested that the two of them jump into the water to cool off. Tori said she didn't wear a swimsuit and Ronnie said, " who needs one," and then ripped his shorts right off and jumped straight into the water. He popped up out of the water and said, " come on, it feels wonderful." Tori hesitated and then told him to turn around. She then shyly but quickly took her shirt and then her shorts off. Tori then jumped in with her pink bra and underware on and it did feel great. After bobbing around for several minutes they started playing around. Ronnie's feet could reach the bottom, so he let Tori climb on his shoulders and then he would throw her off. She loved it. After about a half and hour, Ronnie said they better start heading back before it started getting too dark. He told Tori he would help her back into the canoe. She swam over to him and he put his hands around her waist and started to lift her up as she climbed on the side. Just as she lunged up, his hands slid down and went inside her wet underwater as he grasped both of her buttocks and lifted. Tori fell into the canoe, mouth wide open in shock and turned and look at Ronnie. He laughed and said," man, wet skin is so slippery. You never know where your hands will end up." Then he climbed into the canoe and Tori saw that he was aroused and poking out of his underware. Ronnie just nonchalantly slipped his shorts back on and adjusted himself and picked up a paddle and started rowing. Not a word was said until they got back to the dock. Nothing was ever said about the incident.

Tori remembered how she couldn't sleep that night. She felt strange about what had happen, but she had fun with her uncle and actually couldn't even wait until they could go fishing again. She remembers even blowing off the hands on rear incident as just an accident. And, she also remembers that she couldn't stop thinking about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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