Hawaii. Last day being an unmarried Vause

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Our hotel had a private beach with a volleyball court. Music was playing on the hotel's sound system. Larry, Polly, Neri, Cal, Nicky and Lorna were in the middle of a game. Polly in a pink bikini, Neri in yellow, Nicky in a blue one and Lorna in green. Larry and Cal were shirtless with Hawaiian floral swim pants on. Already with our hands linked Piper and I decided to join them.
"Room for two more?" I asked.
"Heeey Vause and Vause-to-be! Sure! We can play four on four. It can be you, me, Neri and Piper against Lorna, Polly, Cal and Larry." Nicky said. I looked at Larry who had flinched when Nicky said "Vause and Vause-to-be". I rolled my eyes but I have to admit, I felt slightly sorry for the guy, I mean, yeah there were other guys here but the only other one close to our age was Cal and that was only one dude when compared to the ratio of the number of boys against girls. Plus he was Piper's ex, he was only here because he was now the boyfriend of Piper's best friend and maid of honour. He was technically being forced to watch his ex-fiancé marry someone who he thought stole her from him. Then I remembered that this was the guy who almost married thus taking away the love of my life for good and my sympathy started to fade.
"You know everyone's names?" Piper asked Nicky.
"Sure we got to know each other on OUR plane" Nicky replied emphasising that Piper and I had made our own way here.
"Yeah okay, lets go, you're on Pol" Piper winked at her best friend who was also now our business partner taking off her see through dress. She smiled back and we separated into our teams. I took off my white shirt I had put on for cover. The game began.
'Hips Don't Lie' by Shakira started to play on the sound system and Piper mimicked the first few lyrics and aimed them at Larry and me. Looking at Larry for the first "no fighting" and me for the second.

"Ladies up in here tonight
No fighting, no fighting"

Larry served. Nicky whacked it back at him going for a low shot. Polly dived for it. She was small, so nimble. I hit it back at her and Cal tossed it to Piper who aimed it back at Lorna. Lorna missed it so we won that point. Piper served the next ball, aiming it at Larry pretty hard which made me chuckle, he then seeing this hit it back at me pretty hard but I caught it and threw it back at him. He aimed for Neri this time who aimed for Cal who again aimed for Piper. The lyrics to the song were getting linked to our relationship again and how I felt about Piper at that exact moment.

"My will and self restraint
Have come to fail now, fail now
See, I am doing what I can, but I can't so you know
That's a bit too hard to explain"

Piper jumped up to hit the ball back and I decided I would too. I wasn't aiming for the ball though.
"It's okay babe I got it!" Piper said enthusiastically to me. I grabbed Piper by the waist and we rolled to the sandy ground. Me on top of her.
"Ah!" Piper squealed and started to laugh when she realised I was on top of her. I was laughing too. I let my long black hair flow around her face and mine, almost like our own private hair cave. My hands were on the sand either side of her shoulders and I had my left knee on the sand and my right leg fully stretched out between her legs. I leaned down and kissed her deeply. I broke the kiss and said
"And I've got you."

"Oh baby when you talk like that
You know you got me hypnotized.
So be wise and keep on
Reading the signs of my body" She mouthed back to me the lyrics of the song smiling and bringing me back down for another kiss with her arm now around my neck and hand on the back of my head. Our kiss was hot and passionate, tongue included and we never broke it.

"Come on lets go, real slow
Baby like this is perfecto (no fighting)
Oh, you know I am on tonight
My hips don't lie and I am starting to feel it's right
The attraction
The tension
Baby, like this is perfection"
I grinded my hips on Piper at this bit, letting her know that this really was perfect. I was in love and she was in love, with me. Nothing could bring me down from this cloud. Nothing.

"No fighting
No fighting."

The song ended and Cal spoke. Piper and I had forgotten we were in the middle of a volleyball game with our friends and Piper's brother. We were too caught up in our kiss.
"Hey, um, sis? Future sis-in-law? Kinda in the middle of a game here and we really don't want to witness you guys have your own version of my favourite cocktail Sex on the Beach, that okay with you?" I broke our kiss, still pinning Piper to the ground and looked round at him with a smile on my face because I was in love and happy, Larry once again caught my eye, his face twisted with jealousy. I smirked. Seriously though, what was this dude's problem? Hadn't he told Piper that he was in love with Polly? Therefore giving me the go ahead to continue loving Piper? Uh, who knows? Who'll ever know with him? I was suddenly facing the sky with Piper on top of me. She had slinked a leg around mine and flipped us.
"Sorry little bro. Forgot you were only allowed to see the PG version." She sarcastically joked to Cal and got off of me and continued "My rambunctious fiancé here gets sexual urges a lot without warning and you know I can never say no to her." She said and winked at me. She was starting to turn me on majorly now. Then Larry spoke up, groaning, "She said no to me a lot."
This made me smile. I stood up and brushed off the sand. I grabbed Piper again wrapping both arms around her waist. She draped her arms around my neck. I said, "It's true, I do. She's so damn irresistible though." I smiled now looking into Piper's beautiful sapphire eyes and kissed her again.
"Ew. Ok I'm done I need a drink." Larry and Nicky both said in unison and headed off to the pool bar.
"Yeah I need to cool off now. Thanks for that Al." Piper said and continued, giving me a quick dirty smile. "I'm going to go for a swim." At that she headed off to the pool leaving me, Lorna, Cal, Polly and Neri on the volleyball beach court.
"You guys want a drink?" I asked.
"Sure" they replied so we headed to the pool bar.

Vauseman: Forever and AlwaysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ