Uganda Knuckles and Pepe, the forbidden love

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According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way an old meme should be able to love a new meme. Its heart is too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The new meme of course, is loved anyway because it don't care what old memes think is impossible. (the bee movie)

Of course this isn't always the case, like in the human world, some people break the rules, they do the same in memeland. 

Uganda Knuckles, the beautiful, red recent meme broke up with his boifriend, somebody touched my spaghetti, or for short STMS. It was a sad time in memeland for everyone apart from Pepe. Now was his shot, his time to get in there with UK (Uganda Knuckles). He had liked him from the start, and even though it was forbidden, he still loved how funny and red he was. He knew everything about him, from where he hung out, to what was his favourite meme, and now Pepe was going to use that to his advantage and become UK's secret boifriend.

VRCHAT: Pepe had never ventured to the Vrchat, now was his first time, and he was nervous. He knew that UK loved to hang out there with the queen, but didn't know where. "Oh well, lets take a guess" Pepe said with a small smile across his face, he would finally meet UK!!! 

Somewhere in the Vrchat- Pepe could see UK... He was so excited, but he had to be cautious because if someone saw him there he would either be arrested or looked down on as a meme, and he didn't want that, so he hid around a corner watching UK chat with everyone, until 9:43pm. Everyone apart from Pepe and UK had left the server, so he decided to step up. "um hi, my name is Pepe, I'm an old meme, and well, I think your really cool, and I find your accent and the way you click and spit really impressive." Pepe waffled on, talking about how he thought UK was cool, until UK started to speak. "That's cool and all that you look up to me, but that's not aloud... it's illegal, even you being here right now is risky, you could get us both arrested, and i don't want to be an outcast, no thank you. lets take this conversation somewhere more private" and with that, they both left, to the alleyway behind the meme job centre. 

They had a long conversation about which memes they liked the best, what their favourite movies, TV shows and foods where, and by the of their conversation it was 3:39am... way past their normal sleeping time. They had come to a conclusion- they would meet every Sunday at 9:30pm and talk behind the meme job centre.

"This is forbidden love you do know, you are risking everything"

"I know, but for you I would do anything"

Authors note- God that took me some time. I think that this isn't the best work i could do since i'm tired, but I guess its to the standards where i can post it online, so it mustn't be all that bad. Thanks for reading, go check out _kingtrash_ who I have collabed with to make this, and thanks again

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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