Chapter 26: Forbidden fruit

Start from the beginning

"I know I hurt you, okay? I shouldn't have said those things before I left and I shouldn't have left without telling you or saying goodbye." He explains and I just stand there listening.

"But I swear to you, I'm still in love you and that's not gonna stop. I just... I want to know how you feel." He says before nervously toying with the hem of his shirt. I tilt my head to the side for a moment. How do I feel about him? After a few moments pass I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"I love Nick." I tell him, my voice coming out quietly. Is that the truth though? He nods in response before taking a breath and looking down. Is he crying.


"Nah, don't worry about it." He says before looking up, he has the same smirk plastered on his face. He's hiding his feelings and I guess that's okay but I'd prefer if he talked to me. I stroll over to him and stand in front of him, he hops off the pool table and is now so close to me I can feel his breath. He looks down at me and I can't help myself when I touch the side of his face. He leans into my hand, I frown.

"You don't have to hide your feelings from me." His eyes look down to my lips when I say that, I stand on my toes and kiss him gently. I surprised myself when I do that and apparently he's surprised too. He's holding his breath as he kisses me back. I swear he's like a forbidden fruit, I want him but I know that I can't have him— that I shouldn't want him.

"Kat?!" A voice calls from upstairs, my mom to be specific. It literally tears my heart in half to pull away from Lark. When I do though, his cheeks are tinted pink. I resist a smile before going to the stairs and calling back to my mom.

"Yeah?!" I call back before hearing her come to the basement door. She walks down and then her eyes fall on Lark. She seems completely surprised when she realizes that he's here.

"Oh hey!" My mom says with a warm smile, she knows that Lark had left but after I told her everything that'd happened she said that it was probably for the best. Regardless, she still really liked him since he ran my dad away from us.

"Hey Ainsley!" Lark replies with a mega watt smile. I awkwardly rub my arm when they start having a regular conversation. We walk upstairs and sit down at the coffee table where Lark and my mom continued talking. Everything was fine until my mom sipped a cup of tea she had and proceeded to say, "Why did you guys breakup?"

I freeze and start gapping like a fish, I get awkward and clear my throat. Lark glances at me with an eyebrow raised before opening his mouth to speak. I'm literally saved by the bell when the doorbell goes off. I rush to open the door, silently thanking whoever was on the other side.

When I open the door, Nick stands there looking down at his phone. Oh thank God. Should I even be thanking God Since Lark is here and Nick is probably going to explode.

"Hey...Nicky..." I say through clenched teeth, giving him a fake smile before nodding to where Lark and mother are currently sitting. Nicks eyes follow my gesture and his jaw visibly clenches when his eyes fall on Lark who's smirking wickedly at us. I narrow my eyes at him resisting the urge to tell him to fuck off. We walk over to where everyone's seated on the couch.

"Hey, Mrs. Azalea." Nick says before taking a seat next to me and my mom. Lark glances between us.

"So, Ainsley, what did you make for dinner?" Lark asks with a smile, he put emphasis on my moms name to prove to Nick who she "obviously likes better" considering she told Lark to call her by her first name and told Nick nothing of the sort. Nick sends him a hard glare.

"Oh! I made steak and some rice. Do you guys want to stay for dinner? Jordan should be home soon with Liam and Pogue. I believe that red haired girl and what's his name? coming too." My mom says and I almost face palm. Kai and Lark still had some issues that hadn't been resolved. Liam, Kai and Lark weren't on such good terms. "That red haired girl" is Saheymi. My mom hasn't learned her name.

"Oh...great." I mutter and my mom nudges me with her elbow. This is going to be so much fun. Note my sarcasm.


Larks p.o.v.

Everyone walks into the house along with some girl with dark red hair, she's cute.

"Lark?" Kai asks in surprise I wink at him.

"Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." I remark, quoting Emma Roberts on some tv show. Kai rolls his eyes.

"Aim! Can I talk to you upstairs?" Kat says to the red haired girl. I watch as they run up the stairs together. Kai and I stare at each other for a little.

"So, Where'd you go?" Kai asks with an eyebrow raised. I roll my eyes at his question. Jordan, Liam and Pogue walk into the house and to my surprise Ryder follows behind them.

"Hey." Kai and I say at the same time. Jordan, Liam, Pogue and Ryder chorus their greetings as they come join us on the couch. Kat and that girl come downstairs, the red haired girl glares at me.

"This is Saheymi." Kat says to me in a flat tone. I give the girl my "charmer" which is what I call the smile I give to girls when I want them to be...I don't know mesmerized?

"Hey, I'm-"

"I didn't ask." Saheymi cuts me off with a glare. Uh, okay then? Kai snickers and I frown a little, I just met this chick and she hates me already.

"Dinners ready!"

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