
4 1 1

Well shoot.

Tagged again.

Double whammy.


1- Title must be "lit".
2- You cannot refuse.
3- You cannot reply to comments.
4- Post 13 facts about yourself.
5- Must be done in a week or you have to post a picture of yourself dancing.
6- Tag 15 people.


1- I have slight acrophobia (fear of heights).

2- I love "What If" scenarios to bits.  Some of my favorite scenarios I love to hypothesize about are "What if Goku joined Raditz" (Go check out Espeon804 's series!  It's fantastic I'm telling you!  If you want a good long read of a "what if", this is the series for you.  Over a million words and counting!), "What if DIO kicked with his right leg?", and "What if I played a different instrument?"  Real life or fiction, I love scenarios like those.  (Thinking about writing a book of a real-life scenario.. oh the possibilities!)

3- I have seen Lindsey Stirling and David Garrett in concert.  (Both are amazing violinists by the way.  One's the dancing electronic violinist while the other is known for making rock arrangements of classical songs on his violin.)

4- I am a mythology nut.  Especially for Greek and Egyptian.  Heck, several years in a row for Halloween I was a Greek Goddess.

5- I technically started Viola because I now have a 5-string (carbon fiber electric) violin. (It has the usual EADG strings but also has C.)

6- Though I am usually lacking in confidence, I love to put on a show with my violin.  I can play songs from the radio, video game soundtracks, movie stuff, anime intros, and other things.

7- I just learned recently I can do a near-perfect impression of Stitch from Lilo and Stitch.

8- I've won first place at a cosplay contest.

9- I Koichi Hirose from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.

10- I am a Joestar.  Not kidding, I am pretty much one.

11- I know several people with the same name as me and several people with the same name.  It's really funny in my opinion!

12- I slightly prefer Pepsi over Coca Cola, but both are nice.  I also like the Cherry versions of them.  (Rero rero rero rero rero)

13- I have vast knowledge on crystals and their healing properties.  I especially love rose quartz.

Okay.  Done with #1.  On to #2!

1- Do you have a crush?
2- Does someone have a crush on you?
3- What is your favorite book?
4- What's better: New York or California?
5- Where do you want to travel to?
6- Favorite song?
7- Favorite band?
8- Lock screen?
9- Home screen?
10- Favorite YouTubers?


1- Yes.. real life and in media.
2- Yes.
3- Hmm... hard to choose... tie between the Unwind series, Interview With The Vampire, The Wolf Gift, Kane Chronicles and Harry Potter.
4- New York by far.  (Brooklyn Rage!  Nyeh!)
5- So.  Many.  Places.  In no order: France, Egypt, Japan, Rome, Greece and Britain.
6- Hmm... I like a lot of things... Probably Take Flight by Lindsey Stirling.  (I love a lot of others of different genres.. just don't like that rap stuff the popular kids like.)
7- Panic! At The Disco and Maroon 5.
8- Had this one for a long while now... Ash and Ash-Greninja. (Whoever the owner of the art is, you're awesome.)


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10- I am subbed to too many channels.  Various genres too, like anime, gaming, skits, news, official channels, and music.

Whew.  That's outta the way.  Nice.

Now to tag 15 peeps.




Yes.  YOU.  You reading this. (Except Espeon.  You're safe.  After all you tagged me.)

(Just pretend I'm Joseph, 'aight?)

You're it!  Double whammy!

Alright, see-ya later!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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